Turkey Jerky
Being a product of the SE United States, allow me.
Jerky is a way of curing meats. Typically done with spices, salts and a dehumidifier or smoker, jerky is a tougher version of the meats. It is now cured and likewise does not require refridgeration.
Here where I live in North Carolina, they make jerky out of anything including beef, alligator, elk, deer, even trout (which sucked by the way). Turkey jerky is just cured turkey in handy snack size portions.
I have a cholesterol problem. (Genetic not diet induced) I am allowed to have all the Turkey Jerky I want as it is very low in fat and high in protein. Beware the salt intake though, it can be high.
Here is a link to my favorite brand that isnt homemade: