What is Toughest Cardio?

I need some suggestions. I don't really wanna do running, because that is steady cardio thats just blah. I'm a wrestler and I want this cardio for wrestling, so I need it to be different, random, and INTENSE. I don't mean HIIT, or jump rope. I want something creative that doesn't need much equipment (if any). Any suggestions are more than welcome.
Sprints, suicides, burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, hill climbs, bear crawls.......

Whatever you can do to elevate your heart rate to higher levels will work wonders for you.
Yeah, now that you mention those, I'm kinda thinking I should do something like we do in wrestling at end of each practice for a half an hour - pure conditioning. Its 5 up-downs in between everything from jumping jacks, mtn. climbers, pushups, situps, sit throughs, and the list goes on prob for another 10 exercises.
I'm going pure training from now on, pure school and pure training. I'm done ****ing around. Thanks Tony, good idea.
Yeah, Tomorrow I'm going to call a few schools in the area that I think may be offering Open Mats. If I find one close, I will definitley be going to that so I can get sport-specific training.

As of going pure training, I mean that I'm done messing around like I have been. Sometimes I'll be lazy and skip a day, or I just won't feel like it. I haven't went out for a good run in prob 2 months. Then the next day I'll regret being so damn lazy. So I just want to push myself because I know if I can get myself into the habbit, I will love it, because I do have a passion for working out and working myself, it's just like anything though, it's tough to just break into. I love going out for runs, but it's just getting started that gets me. I'm gonna be updating my journal daily, so you all can see if I'm working to what I want to.
One option you might consider is do a pure " bodyweight " cardio circuit...no need for weights or cardio machines at all.

For example, this is one I used to do at home. It's about a 25/30 minute cardio workout. Between each exercise, rest for no more than 1 minute.

1. JOG IN PLACE - 4 minutes ..warm up

Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity by lifting your knees higher.​


3. ROPE SKIPPING - 90 seconds

4. STEP-UPS - 2 minutes

Step up and down on the bottom stair of a stairway, or on any step that's up to a foot high.​

5. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS - 90 seconds

Get on your hands and knees, then raise your knees like a sprinter in starting blocks. For one minute, run in place in this position, supporting your upper body with only the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight, not arched.

6. PUSH-UPS - 30 ( or your max )

7. SQUAT THRUSTS - 90 seconds

From a standing position, drop to a crouch and immediately thrust your legs straight out behind you so that you're on your toes in the push-up position. Now jump to pull your legs back to your chest, then stand up to complete the motion. Try to do 45 in 90 seconds​

8. COOL-DOWN - 3 minutes ( i.e walk around )​

Do this circuit of Steps # 1-# 8 ... the full circuit a minimum of 3 times ........that should get you pretty winded once you're done 3+ circuits.:)
That looks great Wrangell, I think I'm going to do something VERY similar to that when I do it.

Try taking up another sport just for fun. I took up squash for cardio and now I play competitivly.
Well, I am not going to go full hardcore right away. I have a Powerlifting compeition for 2 states coming up November 17th...so that is very important to me. I don't want to jeperdoize numbers by any small margine. I'm in pretty good shape because we take a lap everyday in gym and I'm always in top 3. Usually 3rd, sometimes 2nd. But that doesn't mean much =P

Stair climbing always gets me winded - fast.
Yeah, in wrestling we have to run up 4 sets of stairs (2 floors) and back down and that equals 1. We do those about 40 times....AFTER practice and conditioning. lol The captain last year jokingly said while running them on a 45 set night 'if I ever become a millionaire I'm buying this school just so I can blow up these f***ing stairs.'
To begin, i do not know if this is classified as "cardio", but seeing as it does not use short term energy systems, i believe it is in the same class as cardio.

4 minutes, ultimate intensity:

its pretty dang interesting. since wrestling has a lot of lunging, you can do lunge presses if you want in tabata.

other than that, sprints, pushups, repeat is pretty dang challenging
sand running
stair running
hill sprints
suicides - long ass ones...i sometimes do them on a soccer pitch
squash is an awesome workout
jumping jacks - increase your speed until you are practically just waving your arms and legs