What is this leafy green chard-like plant?


New member
I bought this from the fruit stand today, it was bagged so i just saw the red stem and leafy green & assumed it was chard, but I've never seen chard with these small of leaves...

some variant of red kale? beet greens?
Have you tried eating it?

It looks a little like something we used to grow in Florida, we called it "Thai Spinach", but I am sure that name was wrong, just made up by the guy who gave it to us. We got it from a local guy and managed to keep it going for years, never saw it for sale or in anyone else's garden. I liked it because it was the only green that thrived in our long hot humid summers, growth slowed in winter but it survived and became a perirenal in the garden. The give away was color when cooked. Boiling turned it purple, particularly the water. I liked it, tasted good cooked and not bad in a salad.

Hope you like it, whatever it is.
The closest thing i could come up with is roselle. It kinda looks like roselle but usually roselle has a more spicy flavor.
That is by far the closest I've seen. Didn't say anything about lemony-flavor, but it is spicy. Unfortunately I haven't seen it since...