What is the best Pilates DVD?

I have never done pilates before. I am wanting to get a DVD on it, but am not sure which one to get first.
I work out 5 days a week, strength train 4 days/wk, and I do a DVD for abs and hips 5 days per wk.

I plan to do the pilates before all of the above exercises in the morning.

Any suggestions? (something not too slow and boring)

Windsor pilates... have tried others.. but this one works the best... esp the 20 min workout is quick and fairly effective
I'd suggest finding and taking classes locally with a certified instructor first, then asking him or her (if you like their instruction) as to what dvds to get. The instructor can help you get the forms of the exercises down so that you can do them correctly when you're on your own. They can also evaluate you and tell you what you need to work on.
I have some Kari Anderson and Karen Voight DVDs that are pilates/yoga "lite" and that's worked for me.

I should share them with you, since with my sprained stomach they're just sitting around...
my favorite DVD

Hey--my favorite DVD is Piladio-Kickbox Pilates. It combines Pilates and Cardio so you can burn calories and build long lean muscles. There are 5 workouts on the one DVD ranging from 50 min to 20 min long. The instructor is easy to follow and says how you can modify the moves to get a more advanced workout.

The website is piladio.com

Hope this is helpful!
I tried Winsor Pilates and I really enjoyed it. I saw results quickly because I stuck to it and it just made me feel good because the DVD went at a good pace..not too slow but not too fast so I could keep up and catch on fairly quickly without feeling like the exercises were too hard. I wish I had stuck to it. As it is, I lost my DVD in one of my many moves so..
I agree with Stingo.

Most people need another pair of eyes watching them move. Once you have figured out what looks and feels right and you are moving through the exercises correctly you will have more success with any DVD. You may think that you are in the correct position but you may not be.
I wonder why this site gets so much spam and advertising type topics.

Anyway, I got suckered into buying a pilates DVD when I first got into fitness and I can tell you it's worthless.

Screw the 20 minute quick fixes that pilates tries to offer, get your ass in the gym and do a real workout ;)