what is that? weird somach thing.


New member
(edit: oops.. typo in the header. sorry. please ignore)

general stats first:
130, 5'5, 20 years old.
Recently changed diet to include more yoghurt and more fibre.
also recently started taking a brisk walk with segments of jogging.
want to tone up and get back to around 120 where I used to be.
.. medical conditions? well I have an under-active thyroid (treated since birth; my thyroid hormone levels are perfect) and i'm a bit iron anaemic.

so.. this is my question.. (and btw I already had this before I made the changes mentioned above)

From time to time, I get up in the morning, take a shower, and look down at myself. Hey. where'd the stomach flab go? it's .. almost gone! yay! great! oh wait, no. It feels really weird and.. rigid. And also, it feels like wearing an invisible corset. ie, I'll find I can't actually breathe deeply- y'know, the way you can breathe 'into your belly' (not literally obviously but you know what I mean). I really can't breathe that way when that happens. Is this just something everyone gets and never mentions, or am I messed up? and what on earth is that??.. My digestion in general feels like it originally belonged to a sloth.
I think we're pretty comparable in size and stature, and I don't have anything like that. It sounds like a doc might be able to help. The breathing thing would especially freak me out.
my advice...Go get checked out!!
I have to agree on seeing a doctor. Though just curious is this before you eat? If so what are you having pre-bedtime and how are your hydration levels?
I have a stomach thing too sometimes, but not the same...

By all means if the stomach thing is uncomfortable or really interferes with breathing in such a way you cant take deep breaths when you need to, please get it checked out.

Sounds a little like something happening to me recently too (though I WISH it looked like my flab was going away...) I noticed the past couple days and a few times in the past, that at the top of my stomach, the ab muscles, twitch or contract and spasm a bit. I didn't worry about it too much since it didnt affect my breathing and was not painful. It really just felt like there was a goldfish under the skin there flopping around. I didn't worry too much however.

I wonder if yours could be a sort of involuntary muscle contraction in your abs for whatever reason... If I suck my gut in all the way and really flex those abs I too have difficulty drawing a deep breath and look skinnier, but of course I am doing it on purpose and too the extreme.

Have you changed anything in your exercise regime lately that has been targetting those muscle groups? Or sleeping in a different position or anything that might directly involve those muscle groups? If so, perhaps try stopping that activity for a couple days and see if that helps. But if not, maybe best to get checked out by a Doc to make sure it is nothing too bad.

Sounds a little like something happening to me recently too (though I WISH it looked like my flab was going away...) I noticed the past couple days and a few times in the past, that at the top of my stomach, the ab muscles, twitch or contract and spasm a bit. I didn't worry about it too much since it didnt affect my breathing and was not painful. It really just felt like there was a goldfish under the skin there flopping around. I didn't worry too much however.

For the record this is very normal. Focusing on abdominal stretches can help elevate that as an occurrence :)
I have to agree on seeing a doctor. Though just curious is this before you eat? If so what are you having pre-bedtime and how are your hydration levels?

oh, sorry, I should have mentioned that about a year ago or so I mentioned it to my GP, and he didn't seem too worried. Though I'm usually way too timid about these things.

Yeah, when this happens I get it right in the morning. It then gradually goes away. I tend to have it a few days in a row, and then not have it for a few weeks, but it doesn't seem to correlate to anything.

I often have low carb pasta for dinner, but i'm not sure that helps. My hydration levels are probably too low. does drinking at least two cups of herbal tea count?
does drinking at least two cups of herbal tea count?

Definitely too low. Herbal tea is caffeine free so it counts just as much as water, but thats two 6 or 8oz cups. Most of what I've seen seems to point to eight to ten 8oz cups of water a day, or more depending on if you're a bigger person or exercise. Even if you exercise just moderately, you should add another two or three cups of water to that. Sure consuming food adds a little to that total and it may seem a little overwhelming, but it basically amounts to carrying and sipping from a refillable water bottle throughout the day, plus a glass of water before a workout, sips from a water bottle during, and a glass afterwards. Being properly hydrated will accelerate weight loss and curb your appetite for a myriad of physiological reasons.