Sport What is 'real cheese'?

Sport Fitness
I keep seeing the term 'real chesse' posted on these boards, but don't know exactly what it means. Is it just anything other than processed cheese?
You're right, it just means that the cheese hasn't been (excessively) processed and pasteurized or had additive to it. Really, there's always going to be a bit of that going on, no matter what, but generally, a product that actually has the word "cheese" in it should fall under the non-processed category. The FDA made it illegal to use the word "cheese" in the names of processed cheese products. (Note: Kraft Single Slices and 'Cheez' Whiz.)
Ok cool, thanks. Do certain types of cheese have advantages over others?

Looking forward to adding a bit more flavour to my chicken salad.
Cheese has calcium, protein, vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B12, A and D, and it helps neutralise mouth acid (naturally helping fight decay). If you want to have something to nibble on at the end of a lunch a lump of hard cheese isn't the worst thing in the world by any stretch. BUT it's high in fat and saturates. Some cheeses are better than others.

Low fat cheese include cottage cheese and the reduced fat version, reduced fat cheese spread, reduced fat Edam, Ricotta, and Quark. You can eat these without overly worrying about the fat content.

Otherwise the higher-fat cheeses have various nutrition profiles, but you should watch your intake.

Yeah, they like to make a similar article with the same name every so often, but they do have different info/cheeses.
Thanks for the share, I have gone through these articles and add it in my daily diet.