Weight-Loss What is Dead Water?



New member
In some locations water is full of energy, sometimes it is sluggish and exhausted and in some conditions it dies. Most of our water is dead. Almost everything we have done to water has*polluted and destroyed*it.*

Water treatment plants make water safe to drink, but they destroy water's life giving properties. Chlorine is not good for water because it distorts water's healthful crystalline structure.

Keeping water in stagnant storage tanks and forcing it to travel through miles of pipes strip water of its natural energy and oxygen, disrupting the hexagonal clusters. By the time water reaches home, it is devoid of healthful properties.

Pollution and EMF had an additional damaging effect on water by causing the molecular clusters in water to disassociate and to rob water of its life-energy. The all-important energetic functions required for the proper functioning of all life forms are rendered defective and even non-existent.
Water is H20.

There is hydrogen there... There is oxygen...
That is what water is.
I must admit that you have made three postings here - and one was deleted for breaking forum rules and the other two have looked like they are about to try to sell us something magic...
To give a balanced viewpoint - since this is looking like a new member trying to advertise - should say that there are differing opinions:

There are hundreds of hucksters claiming that the filters, concentrates, or water-treatment devices they are flogging produce water that is "energized", "living", "spin-reversed", "ionized", "clustered", "structured", or otherwise somehow endowed with special properties that are supposed to be associated with pristine glaciers, the Hunza Valley of Pakistan, or the alleged healing springs of Lourdes. These worthless products are aimed at the notoriously credulous "alternative health" crowd and others whose lack of scientific training leaves them open to this kind of exploitation.

These nostrums are supposed to work all kinds of wonders from tuning up your immune system to raising your "energy levels" and slowing the aging process. Here are a few examples, with the hype I consider false, misleading or meaningless indicated in color.