Sport What is a good daily calorie measure for me?

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone :) I have just recently joined these forums (today :D) and I must say that it is one of the best I have seen in a long time. Nice to meet you all.

Anyway, I have been going to the gym for 6-7 months now, and I've noticed some benefits, for example, I feel much fitter and I have a little bit more muscle. However, when I started out at the gym, I had a body fat percentage of 33%, which I know is HORRIBLE. I'm almost 16, which makes that figure even worse, and 175 cm tall (5' 7" I think)

I've narrowed it down to diet, and probably not spending long enough at they gym (is 45 minutes too short?) but please recommend me a good diet (if possible) or at least a daily calorie intake guide please :)

Thanks in Advance

p.s.sorry to trouble you all so much
Hi and welcome
Ah Thanks guys! Much appreciated. Will pop around to the nutrition forum too :)