What if no one were fat? an MSN.com article


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This morning MSN featured an article on it's scrolling window about "What if no one were fat?" and how it would affect the economy. While the points made seem valid, even if the journalist cited no references to how she got her figures, she also sounds like a big douche bag with the overexaggeration of the article.
Imagine a lean and healthy America: The savings on medical, fuel, food and other costs would be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.

By Shirley Skeel
Editor's note: This is part of an occasional series on financial what-ifs.
In the United States today, 66% of adults are overweight. Almost 33% of adults are obese, and 4.7% are morbidly obese, or more than 100 pounds overweight. But . . .

What if nobody in America were fat?

We'd save billions of dollars in gas. Airlines would double their profits. A dearth of diabetes and other diseases would save billions of dollars more -- and put thousands of doctors on the street. McDonald's would sell not Big Macs but little steamed chicken snacks -- or watch its profits melt away. Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more jobs or higher wages all around.

Add up the savings up on health, food, clothing and efficiencies, and you could buy a professional home gym for every U.S. household -- or hand each $4,270 in cash.

$487 billion in gas, sweat and stretch pants
Yes, it sounds a little wild, but the implications of a leaner, meaner country add up to a weighty $487 billion. That's almost 3.5% of gross domestic product, no small sum.

Mind you, only 1.8% of that is new growth. The rest is a radical shift in resources, away from the needs of our bigger citizens to . . . well, whatever we and our overlords would spend these extra billions on.

First, let's put the meat on that $487 billion. The estimates below assume the average American adult is at least 20 pounds overweight, a figure nutritionists see as fair.

Savings on fuel for cars and airlines due to their lighter loads would top $5 billion, according to industry studies. Researchers say each overweight driver burns about 18 additional gallons of gas a year, or just under a billion gallons altogether. Savings in the air are far greater: The jet-fuel savings alone could double North American airlines' forecast 2008 profits to $3.8 billion and maybe persuade them to stop stranding passengers because they can't afford the fuel for flights. As for oil imports, they'd be dented by less than 1%.

Plus-sized clothing costs 10% to 15% more, so shoppers would save $10 billion on shirts, pants and dresses. And clothes might fit better too. Cynthia Istook, an associate professor in textile apparel at North Carolina State University, says the economies of making fewer sizes would be tremendous. Clothing makers could then afford to offer more variety in hip and bust sizes, rather than asking every woman to squeeze into an hourglass shape.

Overweight employees are affecting the health of corporate America, costing companies an estimated $45 billion a year.

Because 3,500 calories translates into a pound of fat, somewhere along the way, America's 227 million adults have eaten 16 trillion calories too many. That's 14 billion Big Mac meals, with fries and a soda. Eliminate those and you wipe out $81 billion, or McDonald's past four years of sales.

If Americans were slim and maintained their weight by eating 150 fewer calories a day (half a slice of pizza), that could snip roughly 6.5%, or $20 billion a year, off U.S. farmers' sales (assuming no extra exports). Bob Young, the American Farm Bureau's chief economist, says farmers would cope. They'd switch some land from fattening seed oils and sugar beets to fruits and vegetables. Or they might grow corn for ethanol, or even open a hunting resort.

The medical costs of obesity-related problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease run near $140 billion, or more than 6% of all health-care costs. That ballpark figure was calculated by Joel Cohen, an economic researcher for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, using data from a 1998 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. Cohen reckons that if no one were fat, medical insurance costs would fall -- to everyone's delight -- and doctors and drug makers could do more preventive care. That sounds good, but Roland Sturm, a senior economist for Rand in Santa Monica, Calif., doubts anyone would pay for preventive care. More likely, he says, some doctors would be on the street. "They could drive cabs," he suggests.

Productivity in the workplace would jump as people took fewer sick days and spent less time at work feeling unwell. Ross DeVol, the director of health economics at the Milken Institute, says the loss of productivity due to people showing up at work sick is "immense." Using a recent Milken report on the subject, he calculates that if no one were obese, the added output from workers and their caregivers would give the country a $257 billion boost. That's 1.8% of GDP, enough extra output to allow businesses to hire tens of thousands more workers or to raise wages, economists say. Or at least, that's the theory. Given bosses' love of expanding their profits and their own pay, you can count on some of this being spirited away. Just look at 2000 to 2005, when worker productivity rose 16.6% while median wages rose less than half that amount.

"Jenny Craig would be very unhappy" if everyone were slim, says Rand's Sturm. And so she would, along with the rest of the $55 billion weight-loss industry. Trimmed-down citizens would be swapping their diet pills for bikinis and their gastric-banding for nose jobs.

What to do with all that money?
On top of these savings would be billions of dollars more. Manufacturers and builders wouldn't have to make doorways bigger, car seats wider, furniture stouter. Some even argue that global warming would slow a mite, as consumption of gas, energy, fertilizer and methane-producing cattle decreased.

Even without those extras, the $487 billion reshuffle of the economy would put us on the spot. Exactly how would we spend all this freed-up cash? Optimists sing about improving education or medical research. Others figure we'd fritter away the money.

It seems, in fact, that economists have a word for our usual behavior: suboptimal. That's what we do. We suboptimize. We think short term instead of long term, reducing our chances of living healthily and happily ever after.

So assuming we didn't behave like angels, the net effect on the economy of a slimmer population would be a lot of reshuffled resources, with a nice rise in productivity that should take our living standards up a notch.

MSN Health: Weight-loss success stories

The social gains are more difficult to predict. Research has shown that people who are not obese marry more, are paid more, are promoted more, sleep better and have better sex lives. We don't yet know whether people earn less because they're fat, or whether they're fat because they earn less. Researchers suspect it is the former because there's some evidence of discrimination against the obese.

Overweight employees are affecting the health of corporate America, costing companies an estimated $45 billion a year.

Either way, a slimmer society would, arguably, seem to be more secure and content.

But, of course, then we have the awful question: Can we all be paid more and promoted more and marry more? Only to a limited degree.

Jay Zagorsky, a sociology researcher at Ohio State University, is convinced that society would adjust. We might lose an awful lot of people to pick on, but he concludes: "They will find something else. If it's not the size of your waist, it may be the size of your nose."

Interesting - not sure I buy it completely...

This stat
Overweight employees are affecting the health of corporate America, costing companies an estimated $45 billion a year.
Always sets me off - maybe I was the exception to the rule, but at my heaviest weight - I was 'healthy' - I might not have walked really fast - or jumped really high - hell I still can't jump high or walk fast... my blood pressure was a tad high but no need for medical treatment -in the past 25 years of my working life - I can count on two hands the number of sick days I have taken - and I have not taken a one in the past 5 years...

I don't think I cost the corporate america anything...

Either way, a slimmer society would, arguably, seem to be more secure and content.
I can argue that that's bogus - becausse someone will always be slimmer, or prettier, or have a bigger bust, or tighter tuche... or something - having an entire population of slim people would not make people more secure...
McDonald's would sell not Big Macs but little steamed chicken snacks
I'm not sure which is less appealing - a big mac and mcdonalds french fries or steamed chicken... I wouldn't eat either...
I really liked the part where farmers who are poor (and have always been poor to begin with) will have the opportunity to open a "hunting resort". So while we're wiping out McDonalds last four years in sales and putting doctors/healthcare professionals out of work we're opening hunting resorts... I guess that's how all of the out of work ppl will go grocery shopping. I'm also at a loss for how cutting billions of dollars in revenue will some how be offset by the increase of production.... producing more equals more shit and if there are ppl jobless who in the hell is going to buy anything (doesn't it sound like our current situation?). Plus what the hell else does this country need.... we're not short of food, shelter, electronics.... we just have politicians and corporations and CEOs gobbling up every bloodsucking penny they can get their hands on.

I'm not promoting that the country stay fat for the sake of money, but really it's just easier to target an obvious group of the population. And I just find the article outrageous because they make it so cut and dry... this is just as bad as the article on how much single parents cost the American tax payer. There are lots of married people who can't afford their six kids either.
The only thing in this article I agree with and know to be true is the saving on gas when you lighten the load in your car. But with gas at $4.00 a pop I can't see it matters much.

Maybe in theory her math works, but in reality there will always be something to eat up the money. Skinny people are healthier than overweight people? I'm not buying it 100%. I know many thin people with type II diabetes, it is their diet, not t heir size.

So I guess we should all get skinny and then that would balance the national budget! :p
This is a strange article...

Would you really want our world filled with pink-adidas-jog-suit-wearing-power-walking-to-their-ipod-nanos-at-6-am people?? Sure I think we're all on here to lose weight and get healthy, but I also don't look down on people who are heavy and don't want to change that. There are a lot of fat people I love and a lot of fat people everyone love. (especially in the south) Fat people are easy going, jolly, kind, GREAT cooks, and aren't all caught up in the whole 'I have to be healthy, beautiful, and popular' thing. I respect that.

I also respect people who are heavy and want to lose weight. I respect people who are thin and maintain that, and heck I even respect those people who eat whatever they want (Like McDonalds) and still stay skinny sticks.

I have been around a lot of people, and in my case I found the heavier people to be a lot more happy. The thin people I have been around obsess with excersize and looking good, and they seem very high strung. (not everyone just a lot of people) That is one thing I don't want to become when I lose my weight is a high-strung person. I think that we need to accept fat people the way we accept anyone else who is different. I mean, you could also turn that statement around and say "What if everyone in America never drank alcohol" or "What if everyone in America were Christian" But I don't want to go into that on this forum lol.

Anyway, all I'm saying is that it takes diffferent strokes to move the world. Not everyone is going to have a perfect body, or a perfect anything. Besides, it's the inside that counts!

I have been around a lot of people, and in my case I found the heavier people to be a lot more happy. The thin people I have been around obsess with excersize and looking good, and they seem very high strung. (not everyone just a lot of people) That is one thing I don't want to become when I lose my weight is a high-strung person. I think that we need to accept fat people the way we accept anyone else who is different. I mean, you could also turn that statement around and say "What if everyone in America never drank alcohol" or "What if everyone in America were Christian" But I don't want to go into that on this for

I agree with this! As someone who has never been overweight ( I am here trying to lose about 7 pounds to get into my size 5's) I often say that I wouldn't care about gaining weight if I was ok with the way it felt. I am VERY highstrung.. and if you want to see me really high strung watch what happens in the summer when my clothes are too tight! lol
I often look at heavy people who seem totally at ease in their bodies and envy them. I am so very grouchy if I can pinch and inch just because I HATE the way I feel. I think sometimes stereo types do contain truth. Within reason of course.
"McDonald's would sell not Big Macs but little steamed chicken snack"

Because not a single normal weight person would EVER eat Mcdonalds Big Macs.
I can argue that that's bogus - becausse someone will always be slimmer, or prettier, or have a bigger bust, or tighter tuche... or something - having an entire population of slim people would not make people more secure...

Look at the bullies on the playground for instance.
They're not just picking on the obese children. They're picking on the coloured kids, the kids with braces, the kids with weird parents, the kids with glasses.

If it's not one thing it's another.
Interesting - not sure I buy it completely...

I can argue that that's bogus - becausse someone will always be slimmer, or prettier, or have a bigger bust, or tighter tuche... or something - having an entire population of slim people would not make people more secure...

I think it's bogus too. If you look at how much beauty standards have changed over time it's often the rarer qualities that become the ideal. I think it'd be fascinating to see how the current beauty standards would change if thin was suddenly everywhere.
I think it's bogus too. If you look at how much beauty standards have changed over time it's often the rarer qualities that become the ideal. I think it'd be fascinating to see how the current beauty standards would change if thin was suddenly everywhere.

Exactly! Back in medeivel times fat women were considered beautiful and the sticks considered ugly. It was also unnatractive to be tan. I guess because back then, only the poor folk worked outside in the sun while royalty was inside. The poor barely had food, when the rich had a lot. Now days, the sticks are considered beautiful. Think about it... Good organic food is much more expensive than ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese. Hard workers have to spend more time inside at a desk job or whatnot when the rich have the time and money to go lay out in the sun or go to a tanning bed. It seems that the real difference is status!

I disagree that skinny people are unhappy. I come from a family of stick-people, my mom barely weighs 120, my sister 110 (even my grandma weighs 125!).
They eat what they want when they want it but stop eating when they are full, we have a generally healthy outlook on life, we always eat salad accompanying every meal, sometimes just that, we only eat lean meat, but we never knew anything else, they definitely are not depriving themselves. My sister eats the occasional pack of cookies in one sitting, but she dances and moves a lot and never put on weight.
They never worry about weight and they are not unhappy, at all!

My school best friends were both very skinny, one of them in fact was on a put-on weight diet because she was not even beautifully skinny anymore. My uni friends are in their most part skinny, eat what they want, not depriving but also not McD everyday!
And none of the aboce mentioned goes running an 6 am (heck my sis doesn't even get up before noon most days).

Just thought I would throw it in there. I do think that naturally skinny people have it easier than overweight people, but I do nto think at all that they starve themselves. Most of them don't!