Weight-Loss What Foods & Beverages Have Caffeine in them?



New member
I haven't been able to find a straight answer about what foods have caffeine in them.

So far, I know these foods have caffeine:

Most Teas
Some medications
Caffeinated drinks (sodas, ect)

What other foods have caffeine in them? I'm trying to eliminate caffeine completely from my diet so I want to make sure I'm not consuming caffeine in foods or drinks that I didn't know had caffeine.
Not all teas have caffeine in them. Green tea, Royboos and a lot of herbal/fruity teas don't, so they should be save.

Other than that, I think you have it pretty much covered. I couldn't think of anything else that contains caffeine from the top of my head.

Uhm...some liqueurs have caffeeine in them, now that I think of it. And ice cream, if it's coffee flavoured. Basically, anything that's coffee flavoured has a good chance of containing caffeine. Ice cream, cake, cookies, stuff like that.