What equipment would be best for me?

I am a 71 year old male in reasonably good health except for high blood pressure. I'm not a couch potato but I don't have an exercise routine. My doctor has recommended daily exercise to go with the medications I take and I would like to acquire some sort of device that would be appropriate for my circumstances. I have a stationary bike and perhaps a good daily regimen on its use would satisfy my needs. I'd appreciate any opinions from some of you experts on the matter.
Add some strength training

You are on the right track with the bike and that will give you the cardio work out if you are doing it correctly. Most of the experts will also recommend adding some strength training. Adults loose something like 1% of muscle mass per year after age 30. Many older adults can barely get around simply because they have lost so much muscle tone. Some stretching and light weight lifting could be really beneficial. You can do alot with a couple of different sized dumbells. I would recommend that you search for a local seniors wellness/health center (many communities have one). They will probably have an expert there who could tailor a program for you that you could do at home.

There was just an article in our local paper about a 100 year old woman who walks and works out every day with weights. She was nearly an invalid in her 80s until she started to re-build her muscle tone.
I am a 71 year old male in reasonably good health except for high blood pressure. I'm not a couch potato but I don't have an exercise routine. My doctor has recommended daily exercise to go with the medications I take and I would like to acquire some sort of device that would be appropriate for my circumstances. I have a stationary bike and perhaps a good daily regimen on its use would satisfy my needs. I'd appreciate any opinions from some of you experts on the matter.

Try an elliptical. Its less strain on your knees and it works more of your body structure than a treadmill.

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