Sport What d'ya think: is fruit candy from a tree?

Sport Fitness
So, one of my network guys was just in my office as I was slicing my 2 pink lady apples for the day (I adore fresh fruit and eat a LOT of it). I'm always eating when he stops by and so we often talk about food. His opinion is that fruit is a 'candy bar on a tree' and so not good. My version is that if it grows in nature (fruit/veggie/nut), and is not processed, it's good for you. Between color (anti-oxidents and flavonoids), fibre, vitamins, and good taste - fruit is loaded with good stuff, and it is just yummy.

So what's your opinion?

what a dingo he is! Well, actually what are his opinions on other stuff, like vegies. Many low carb believers are anti-fruit, and they give themselves these sayings to help keep it away. They also mow down the bacon! EEEEW! what is bacon, ask him. Is bacon the fruit of the beast?

Fruit is lovely! It is God's gift to good nutrition.
He probably hears the word "sugar" and thinks it's immediately bad for you. He clearly gets his nutritional education from the sidebars of websites.