What does nerve damage feel like?

My left arm hurts, and it's worse (since August). It's a sort of pain down the back of the arm . . not like muscle pain, though.

could it be a nerve and what is there to do about it . . .

thanks all!
You probably need to see a doctor to see if is nerve damage, tendonitis can cause pain as well. I have a frequent on again off again nerve pinch in my elbow that causes two fingers to go numb, I have had a nerve pinch in my back that caused leg pain. So there can be different sensations from the nerve being pinched, apparently the common ones are tingling and numbness, but pain and burning feelings also happen.

Depends where along it is pinched or damaged on what they can do for it.
If a nerve is damaged it wont hurt, it will be numb or like pinns and needles. If its trapped then it will hurt a lot.