Weight-Loss What does bad sleep do to you guys?



New member
Last night I stayed up till 1:30am trying to finish a paper and only got 5.5 hrs of sleep. Today I notice I feel like eating everything! (Mmmm, that boot looks good)

Has anyone experienced anything like this?
I wouldn't say being tired actually makes me hungry, but I would say it makes me cranky, which makes me want to eat. If I have a bad night of sleep, my diet goes out the window the next day. lol.
I wouldn't say being tired actually makes me hungry, but I would say it makes me cranky, which makes me want to eat. If I have a bad night of sleep, my diet goes out the window the next day. lol.

Oh, thank God it's NOT just me.... I guess I'll have to be more proactive about getting to bed at a descent hour.
I eat more tea,chocolate and chewing gums and the end take a headache pill.

Does that help you too curb over eating?