Sport What does alcohol do to you

Sport Fitness
makes it more difficult as it provides you with useless calories and no nutritional value. think of it this way...if you're trying to lose fat you are likely on a calorie deficit. so say your daily caloric intake should be around 2000 calories and you eat right around that amount...not you go out and decide to have a few beers with the guys. by the end of the night you have had 6 light beers (assume 100 calories each...regular beers are more). you are now over your daily caloric intake by 600 can't lose fat by taking in excess calories...especially those provided by beer.
empty calories, and your body essentially 'drops what it's doing' and focuses on getting the poison (alcohol) out of your body as fast as possible.
and it obviously dehydrates you and being well hydrated is important in keeping hunger pangs down and keeping your body running at its best ability. alcohol can also affect your athletic performance as much as 2 days after a night of drinking.
OR you could drink so much that you puke everything right out...;) haha jk alcohols terrible for you if your trying to lose weight/stay healthy.

but seriously. not to sound like an alcoholic but i dont think i'd be desperate enough to give it up.
Ive got one for ya! Stop drinking alcohol all together in order to get healthy & Fit!

It will do your body some good :cheeky:
Alcohols effect on the person trying to build muscle or lose fat have been blown a bit out of proportion. I'm not saying you can drink all you want, but a few beers now and then doesn't hinder your progress as much as some people want you to think. | A Musclehead's Guide to Alcohol

that's a pretty good read on the subject of alcohol.
When youre trying to lose fat and build muscle?

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.​

Three words of persons whom consume alcohol--in excess.

1. Wash

Lets go have a great time, and drink passed the point of fun, leading to the GREAT DOWNER period! Hell YEA!

2. Rinse

Oh, I am sick, I am never going to drink again.

Throwing up in toilet, headaches, dehydration, shaking, and feeling like utter crap. Doesn't train, and could even lead to over-eating/under-eating.
Liver is pre-occupied with biologically multi-tasking.

3. Repeat.

Irony-eventually becomes detached from the rinse period, and ready to wash, rinse, and repeat again.

This will be repeated as often as necessary until a full internal commitment is reached to solve one's personal puzzle-of--appropriate frequency, and diet and fitness goal application in life.

Too much of this:


Leads to this:


And, its even worse when you spent an entire week faithful in your diet and exercise, only to completely erase your efforts in one day by over consuming alcohol calories, eating far too much, and do not have an effective plan to deal "effectively" with your alcohol consumption.

So you look like shiat because of the alcohol the next day, and feel like utter crap, because you just wasted your efforts in one day that took 5 to 6 days to create........because you didn't pre-plan.

Remember, IF excessive alcohol is in one's life (a choice no doubt about it), and one is also dieting and fitness training, the way to attempt to "optimize" your goal path WITH alcohol in one's life--------is to use knowledge of DIET (since alcohol is a very close kin) and fitness training TOGETHER to WORK FOR YOU.

Nothing wrong with having a good time, and if one drinks this is fine too.

However, where does the importance of your goal mix within the importance of drinking alcohol?

How do you effectively work this into your life when having fat loss plans?

This is the question that needs to be answered, and it gets answered through education within diet and fitness.

One can "easily" sabotage their diet (in the caloric sense) just through the "empty calories" of alcohol and--rather quickly: A typical beer can be 150 calories or more, and mixed drinks can be even higher.

Then when the time frame that you have been drinking is over, instead of the body (the LIVER) focusing primarily on normal biological functions related to what you normally eat (etc), it MUST put some higher priority to detoxifying the blood to remove to the "intoxicating invader"--and the time is "suboptimal" for fat loss (if this is the goal).

Now, understand I said suboptimal, because the trend leading to the time drinking and the time for the body to recover, will play a large role in the results.

Ever wonder "why" SOME "can feel" so dehydrated after "over" doing it when drinking? And, the rather high "need" to drink gallons of water?

Your liver and body is in overdrive to get rid of the alcohol and would logically assume getting rid of it would be one of the first priorities since alcohol----in excess-- is essentially a poison to the body.

And, in this position, I don't think it has muscle growth on its agenda of primary importance at this time.

In addition, alcohol is a "great" dehydrator when consumed in excess, which is another negativity in muscle growth.

In other words, you are consuming a lot of worthless "empty" calories for enjoyment, when in fact its something your body "doesn't" "exactly" enjoy (in excess). Not everything that tastes good or makes us feel good is necessarily good for us.

In addition, I think it is logical that the body is expending alot of time and energy to disperse/filter out (liver, etc) this alcohol. Done preaching ;)


And I made this post for a forum brotha who no longer posts to the forum:


Until they change the "under title" in my original Account (Chillen) (its still active), I can't use it to post. It has been over a day, and I still cant log in. Therefore I have to post what I have to say under my new account name. I just want you to know its me.....:eek:


I disagree entirely. This is utter…….BUNK!

I want you know that I wrote this from my heart for you my friend. I hope you can make sense of it, and I want to talk to you about it.

A friend lends a hand and extends it, and holds the right hand of the other friend firm acknowledging friendship, but sometimes the friend holding the right hand has to extend the left hand and slap the friends left hand at the same time: Thus a TRUE FRIEND.

You can be the independent FUNCTION and subordinating CONJUNCTION in the environmental DYSFUNCTION and your training and dieting goals will not MALFUNCTION.

YOU are at fault……bottom line.

YOU made the DECISION and CHOICE to drink; you allowed the surrounding environment to point a gun to your head to make you "think" you had no decision and no choice, and the gun went off.

Don’t be misinformed, even adults have this problem. Therefore don’t even think that this type of problem is just restricted to your age and present atmosphere; it will be one you will fight most of your life and into adulthood.

Though the stimulants within the circumference of the atmosphere may be different as we mature and age ; whether you are holding the gun in hand on the lap or by the head, or throw it away, is based on your CHOICES and DECISIONS you make (in the "context" we are speaking).

There are some variables in life we have no control over, but the wisdom is knowing the difference between them.

Your perceptive view, attitude, and subsequent reaction, to the recognized things you can change and things you cannot change, can make an impeccable distinction between your internal emotions and the circumstance(s) and subsequent feedback and/or consequences; internally being able to separate attitude, perception, potential reaction, WITH acknowledging just how powerful ones emotions can define and manipulate each of the aforementioned.

Recognize that emotions can and will try to be functional in decisions and reactions: Some emotions are impulse related, stimulated by circumstances and/or atmosphere, some emotions are more personal related to opinions, feelings, beliefs, personality, and other associated human functions.

BUT: Emotions can LIE and tell you the TRUTH.


You know you "shouldn't do something" (your brain is being logical, this logic is based on a "premise", say your weight loss goal), but strong emotions kick in in favor of the event or become twisted, as does some memory, and atmosphere stimulants, that tend to favor the unwanted action that your logic has factored against): your emotions just lied against your logic inference, and you WILL pay a PRICE in the result.

Subsequently when you get finished with the event your logic was against, this happens:

The logic fundamentally stays the same going from "I should not do this" to "I shouldn't have done that", but the emotions do a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Going from: " euphoria " "desire" "anticipation" (strongest feelings), "slight depression" (guilt potential) (weakest), to: " Lined Depression" ," Anger", "Some Heavy Guilt", "Despair",----as the emotions now have become on par or in line with the logic against the action--after the fact, and this without adding in any "Biological Factors" that may or may not exist (feeling of dehydration, headache, loss of energy, etc.)

Thus emotions can carry over a "disease" effect on some other factors such as attitude, demeanor, and "overall internal feeling" , and can effect other decisions, that same day or subsequent days following the "bad" decision. How much and how long depends on "subject matter on decision" ----and the internal "VALUE" it opposed.

In my opinion, everyone has a separate "View Box" from which all emotional stimulants, biological factors, brain perception, and personality traits and functions, feed into. These aforementioned stimulants, perceptions, factors, traits, and functions, feed into YOURSELF, and thus determine your decision.

If you can separate your "view box" (yourself), from the various stimulants, perceptions, factors, traits, and functions, (lets call these: "Persona"), and feed these independent but sometimes "washing machine mechanisms" of the persona into your "view box", and then let your "view box" equate this to the "value" you have placed on a "subject matter", you WILL win more than you will lose (and most of the time when you in fact view things like this, when you in fact lose, it is "usually" a situation you had no control over, or was limited in some fashion).

You are going to have to take this "view Box" and "POLICE" your "Persona" correctly in conjunction with your "want-o-meter" level of your personal goals, young man, and control the "meter" correctly. And, it is this VERY THING, that fails many persons and its just not you in college: we all have variable environmental factors that influence us………….STOP CRYING because its college and this is what you do……..HOG WASH!

I been where you are at (in a school dorm--I know). Put your "view box in control", and when other factors inside you wreak havoc, pull from strength, desire, passion, WILL POWER, or any other stimulus you can view, and raise the fricken' "want-o-meter" to the level necessary to maintain your path:

And, THEN when this is done ENOUGH, you can take your "view box" and allow a lowering of this same meter and not hurt your goal path. UNDERSTAND?!

Do these "PERSONA'S" control you or do YOU control them? THIS IS THE QUESTION.


Anything (or most things) that are NOT worth achieving--are easy to obtain. Think about it. Most persons all they have to do to gain weight (or get fatter) is EAT (how hard is that? For most persons).

Most things that are worthwhile to obtain are the HARDEST but one in which can bring the most satisfaction (i.e. deficit dieting, training and adapting to responses given by the body).

Each day that you achieve and win your mental battles you win, and brings you one step closer. Each day that this occurs, has an accumulation effect that will creep up on you, and before you know it, your there. And no feeling in the world will overcome the daily feeling you get once your there.........Rock on today.

Some of my various quotes I have made in the past: (they you may have not seen):

"So many people complain that life is unfair, but that very fact proves just how fair it can be. Life doesn't discriminate. Everyone's life contains difficulties."

It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.

True hope dwells on the possible, even when life seems to be a plot written by someone who wants to see how much adversity we can overcome.

We all share them: We all have weakness and difficulties, however, we must have the consciously aided intellect to overcome them.

We must have high expectations and reasonable demands place on ourselves to expect to receive high achievements.

We hold the keys to our own cages and can free ourselves when we use our courage and inner strength to overcome our fears---J.H. Newman.

And for a laugh:

Okay, Unload: How did it go today: June 13,07

My day went pretty well. I didn't have one of those: What the....? (f@ck) days. Like I had last week:

I woke up stubbed my toe, and while its still throbbing, my car tire was flat, then like an idiot, I left the dome light on, and the battery was dead. Then I was pissed because I had to go get gas in it, and pissed because it cost over $3.

I got to work, all but one PC was blue screening, I couldn't see straight so I turned a corner to fast and buckled my index finger, now I was really upset as this was going to effect my lifts..........What the.........?

I still kept my diet and trained.


Best regards,

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I think people who get agressive and/or do stupid things while they are drunk only use being drunk as an excuse.

I've been so drunk that:
I could not recognize people's faces, I had to identify them by their voice.
At that time I was so drunk I could not stand, let alone walk, if I stood up, I fell back down.
I was lucid enough to stay away from anyone dealing with security as they would have sent me to the police, I stayed away from the roads I know the police takes, I didn't try to beat anyone up even though people antagonized me. I didn't go **** my best friends girl, nothing, I just put two fingers in my mouth and puked, because I knew there was more alcohol there waiting to be absorbed, I waited until I could walk and I walked home.

now that was a big tangent.. but even drunk people know it when they are doing wrong things, they just don't have the willpower to not do it.
I think people who get agressive and/or do stupid things while they are drunk only use being drunk as an excuse.

I've been so drunk that:
I could not recognize people's faces, I had to identify them by their voice.
At that time I was so drunk I could not stand, let alone walk, if I stood up, I fell back down.
I was lucid enough to stay away from anyone dealing with security as they would have sent me to the police, I stayed away from the roads I know the police takes, I didn't try to beat anyone up even though people antagonized me. I didn't go **** my best friends girl, nothing, I just put two fingers in my mouth and puked, because I knew there was more alcohol there waiting to be absorbed, I waited until I could walk and I walked home.

now that was a big tangent.. but even drunk people know it when they are doing wrong things, they just don't have the willpower to not do it.

good point Karks. The key is not to get that drunk. drink enough to have a good time not so much that you ruin everyones good time.
We've all been there.
Thought I'd chime in - started a 'serious' clean living program 4 months ago now and dropped alcohol at the time, thinking "I'll allow myself a few beers" here and there.

Well being 'sober' for 4 months opened my eyes and I've decided to go teatotal altogether. I'm not preaching - I'd make a terrible priest :) - but I've realized over the last months how much better my life is without alcohol.

I guess everyone is built differently - but I'm not the kind of guy who can have 'one drink' and go home. When I drink, I drink. That means 5-6 pints to get started followed by as many shots as I can bare before I feel like vomiting. 6 months ago, I would have considered that situation the pinnacle of 'fun'. And of course, each session I'd smoke 2 packs of cigarettes for good measure. I'd take great pride into 'not feeling drunk' even after imbibing pints after pints, and would look down on anyone who 'went home early'.

It's only after a few months of not doing it that I've come to realize how I was ****ing up my body during these 'sessions'. I feel incredibly refreshed now - so much more in control. I guess I live in a country where drinking is the national pasttime (England) - so now I have to deal with the 'WHAT???? you're not drinking??? - party pooper, etc'. But it's well worth it.
There are some pretty funny answers on here. all seem to be true, I also heard that alcohol messes with your bodies ability to process protein for a short time after the alcohol is ingested. Not good if your trying to build muscle