Weight-Loss What does 120 calories look like?

I'm learning!

I recently realised I had no idea what calories were in food. That list is actualy fascinating to me! I went shopping a couple of weeks ago and wrote down the calorie content in everything I bought - I refused to buy diet stuff!! But now when I cook, I can actually see what is i my food. It's brilliant! I am still eating what I like, but the calorie content has shifted slightly. In two weeks I have lost around 5 pounds, jus by knowing what I'm cooking - great stuff!

This web site is quite useful -

It will calcualte calories in pretty much anything, including any recipes you input!

Thanks, for the new link!

Nat x
Awesome post. Makes you realize how much food you get from apples with very little calories. Also, that seemed like a lot of chicken for 120 cals.
Awesome find, but it's making me kinda want some sweets. Looks yummy, but just the taste alone is pretty much an exchange of a thirty minute treadmill session. :O)
Brilliant! What in the name of figs is a Jaffa cake? I want.