What do you wear to work out?

I'm tired of my workout clothes and need some new stuff. I know this sounds gay and whiny but when you spend lots of time at the gym, it feels like you're always wearing the same things.

What does everyone else where and where do you buy them?

Not looking for skimpy tanks with no backs or biker shorts.
Umbro shorts and a white Tshirt, all you need! And boxer briefs cause chafing is not cool.

I mean its not a fashion show.
Black basketball shorts (nike) and my 2001-2002 PSA Hockey Shirt (black t-shirt. :D

Pretty simple fare, really. I don't really pay any attention to who or what is around me when I'm pounding the weights, so I'm not terribly concerned with what I look like..unless my shorts are starting to fall off (yeah, they're tied, shadup), which seems to happen a lot lately. :p

Imo, as long as you're not one of those clowns who wears underarmor with nothing over it or goes commando and does hanging leg raises, it's all good.
I like to wear big loose fitting tshirts and joggers. No vests or tank tops. Keep them muscles covered and warm!!!

I blag lots of branded T-shirts from suppliers like muscle max, met-rex, nutrisport, my protein etc, so I normally wear them.
Polyester boxer briefs, mesh shorts, tee shirt, white ankle socks, Chuck Taylor all-stars, iRiver MP3 player, headphones.
Long sleeve t-shirt, sports bra, and some light logging pants.

If running then running shoes, if lifting then chucks or flat adidas.
[QUOTE='[FocusImo, as long as you're not one of those clowns who goes commando and does hanging leg raises, it's all good.[/QUOTE]

OMG I have SEEN this. It is NOT OKAY :eek:
you guys suck


This is what I am wearing over to evo's
Okay, but if it's Evo's house you're going to, be prepared to get that outfit a little dirty, if ya know what I mean. ;)

Because that's what I mean.
Wife beater singlet what ever shorts I can find. I pretty much wear anything that is clean!