What do you think of this 1500-calorie plan?


New member
Sufficient Dairy Intake (for calcium)
Sufficient Chicken/Fish Intake (for selenium & other minerals)
Green Leafy Veggie (for vitamins)

Breakfast: 1.5 cup Wheaties with 1 cup 2% milk. (~300)
Snack: pure berry juice + Stoney Field Yogurt. (~210)
Lunch: 13 almonds (~100), tortilla (~110), chicken breast (~140) [the tortilla has 10g fiber]
Snack: Stoney Field Yogurt. (~130)
Dinner: 1/2 avocado (~110), 10 ounces spinach (~65), chicken breast (~140).
Sleepy Time Mix: 8 fluid oz. merlot (~195).

The yogurt is for calcium and to build up the bacteria flora in my stomach. Whole wheat from the Wheaties cereal is to feed that flora. The almonds are a good source of fat & minerals before I eat the chicken for lunch. The avocado is a good source of fat before I eat the chicken for dinner. A bunch of spinach is a GREAT source of vitamins. Two glasses of wine per day (if over 21 years old) is good for the soul...

So, I get all my calcium, vitamins, and minerals without needing to take supplements. Hmmm, on second thought, I'm not sure if I'm getting enough vitamin C...?
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What's your current weight?

1500 calories might be too low for you.

but other things
Not a lot of fiber in the diet
the cereal I'd pass on and go for something higher in fiber and way less sugar.
Ingredients: whole wheat, sugar, salt, corn syrup, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, brown sugar syrup, natural flavor, trisodium phosphate.

I've edited my top post to mention the fiber in the tortilla. It's a special fiber-filled tortilla from Mission (a brand). Sounds like I need to look for a cereal that is Whole Wheat but has less sugar... :)


My weight six days ago was 202.6#, I'm 5'7", extremely sedentary except for when I work out. My goal is 156.0#

I expect to lose a decent amount of water weight in the first week or two since I haven't been drinking enough water. If I'm losing more than 2.4# per week starting week 3, I intend on adding calories.

Oh, I am eating a big dinner once a week for now, so if you're distressed that I'm not getting enough calories, I probably over-eat by 1000-1500 calories with that meal.


My workout plan is 5 days of 30-min runs on the treadmill. My goal is to increase my calories spent by 10% a week and to increase my speed by 5% a week. I would like to do the workout at a 6 minute mile pace in six months (10 mph speed). Tonight I will do a 324 calorie run at 5.2 mph speed. Yesterday, I was able to do the entire run at 5.0 mph without needing to walk for part of the run, so I am increasing the speed to meet my weekly goal of 0.2 or 0.3 spd increase per week. While my body and heart will adapt, I am hoping that the calorie and speed increases will put some good stress on the body.
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I'd still dump the wheaties and get a more nutritious cereal - like oatmeal - or a breakfast that has protein - like whole grain bread w/ peanut butter...
Thanks Mal. The sticky post you did in nutrition convinced me to add an apple and an orange to the daily mix. Here's what I'm gonna settle on for a while:

Breakfast: high fiber bread w/2 tbsp peanut butter (~290)
Snack: orange, Stoney Field Yogurt. (~190)
Lunch: 13 almonds (~100), tortilla (~110), chicken breast (~140) [the tortilla has 10g fiber]
Snack: apple, Stoney Field Yogurt. (~220)
Dinner: 1/2 avocado (~110), 10 ounces spinach (~65), chicken breast (~140).

I changed the breakfast, replaced a juice with a fruit, added a fruit for the afternoon snack, and got rid of the wine. This is closer to 1400 calories. I need to do 1400 calories if I want to lose close to 2 pounds per week.
As mal stated, its needs more fiber, so shoot for a high fiber cereal in the morning. I recommend the Fiber One brand! it tastes good and holds a big punch of the fiber you need. Also check out the Kashi cereals as they hold a significant amount of fiber, and some protein
Hey Trevor (great job on the weight loss, btw)

I added more fiber in post #5...

apple 4.4g,
orange 3g,
10oz spinach 6g,
1/2 avocado 4.6g, (18g total there)

high fiber bread 2 slices: 6g,
high fiber tortilla: 11g,
2 yogurts: 4g (fiber added by maker)

Grand total of 39 grams of fiber

Not sure if they sell this in your folks neck of the woods.
High fiber, low calorie bread:look for either "35" or "40" on side of loaf (numbers will be big), or "Fiber For Life". The loaf I am currently using has 80 cals for 2 slices with 6g of total fiber.
High fiber tortilla: Mission (brand of tortilla) sells them and the wrapper has a light blue color and I think says something like, "Carb Concious". Each tortilla is 110cal and 11g fiber.

I highly recommend the high fiber bread and high fiber tortillas. Just don't eat two of the tortillas in one sitting or your body will be pissed off (the fiber sucks up a bunch of water, so you have to drink water with each tortilla)

(I wish I could stomach Fiber One [honestly tastes like dry dog food to me]. I definitely prefer Kashi over Fiber One!)
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Hey Trevor (great job on the weight loss, btw)

I added more fiber in post #5...

apple 4.4g,
orange 3g,
10oz spinach 6g,
1/2 avocado 4.6g, (18g total there)

high fiber bread 2 slices: 6g,
high fiber tortilla: 11g,
2 yogurts: 4g (fiber added by maker)

Grand total of 39 grams of fiber

Not sure if they sell this in your folks neck of the woods.
High fiber, low calorie bread:look for either "35" or "40" on side of loaf (numbers will be big), or "Fiber For Life". The loaf I am currently using has 80 cals for 2 slices with 6g of total fiber.
High fiber tortilla: Mission (brand of tortilla) sells them and the wrapper has a light blue color and I think says something like, "Carb Concious". Each tortilla is 110cal and 11g fiber.

I highly recommend the high fiber bread and high fiber tortillas. Just don't eat two of the tortillas in one sitting or your body will be pissed off (the fiber sucks up a bunch of water, so you have to drink water with each tortilla)

(I wish I could stomach Fiber One [honestly tastes like dry dog food to me]. I definitely prefer Kashi over Fiber One!)
thanks, i appreciate the compliment.

im a really big fan of fiber! thats the first thing i focused on with my weight loss so i do agree on the fiber bread and tortillas.

i don't know why, but i love the fiber one cereals! lol but i can see how some would see it as dry dog food!
Some of the kashi cereals are very twig and branch like... I'd make a Yul Gibbons reference, but most folks here wouldnt have a clue as to who he was...

When checking out cereals - do read the ingredients list and pass on any cereal that lists HFCS as a key ingredient - a lot of the mass produced cereals tend to because it's a cheap sweetener, but it's not good for your body.
Some of the kashi cereals are very twig and branch like... I'd make a Yul Gibbons reference, but most folks here wouldnt have a clue as to who he was...

When checking out cereals - do read the ingredients list and pass on any cereal that lists HFCS as a key ingredient - a lot of the mass produced cereals tend to because it's a cheap sweetener, but it's not good for your body.

haha mal, i had to edit it, its embarrassing

Thanks for the tip on cereal, i will be sure to stay away from that since i am getting tried of eating the same cereal over and over again :)
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Im going to have to check out that brand mal.
it's not a brand of cereal :) he was (I'm pretty sure he's dead) was a naturalist who's remembered for the grape nuts commercials he did long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye :) where he's say most of the parts of a pine tree are edible :)
it's not a brand of cereal :) he was (I'm pretty sure he's dead) was a naturalist who's remembered for the grape nuts commercials he did long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye :) where he's say most of the parts of a pine tree are edible :)

wow, i must be super tired, because i totally re read the post and now i understand it...lol

i feel stupid....haha
How much, if any(!!!) exercise are you doing?

1500 calories a day could be too low!