Sport What do you eat pre & post workout?

Sport Fitness
I know everyone's body reacts differently to food, so I'm not asking what I should eat. I'm just curious to know what you guys eat. I've read quite a bit about the different carb/protien ratios to make shakes, but I've never found a healthy shake to taste good. So I'm wondering what foods have these ratios that you guys typically eat before and after working out, or does everyone eat these shakes?
I'm pretty high tech so bear with me:

I work out in the morning so I eat oatmeal before...skim milk afterward LOL
Preworkout = 5g Glutamine, 40g Protein, Caffiene Drink
Postworkout = 5g Glutamine, 52g Protein, near on 70g Carbs

Note: none of the above is solid food.
Preworkout: Choc FF Milk or carb/pro meal
Post: Pro/carb meal usually sometimes whey/casein/dex shake

pro/carb could be rice and turkey or raisin bran and whey shake etc.
Shakes are for chumps. Drink milk.

Or make your shakes with milk?
-20 g whey protein mixed in water or skim milk
-5 g creatine
-30 g complex carbs, like oats or whole-wheat bread
-900 mg BCAA's

-30 g whey protein + 20 g casein protein mixed in water or skim milk
-5 g creatine
-60 g fast carbs, like plain bagel with jam

You need some slow carbs pre-WO to give you energy and fast carbs post-WO to replenish your muscles. Protein is a must before and after.
pre w/o - 20g protein in 300ml skimmed milk. Strong black coffee.

post w/o - 20g protein in water followed by protein/carb meal (usually chcken/veg/sweet potato) within the hour.
I like to eat a sandwhich or something similar containing carbs and some cassein protein source like cottage cheese or something an hour or so before workout since cassein protein releases slowly...then hit the whey protein after for quicker release....