What do people take?

What do people take for vitamins/supplements while weight training?

This is what I take daily more for health reasons, but I'm sure it has it's impacts on weight training too.

-Multi-mineral supplement (2-am, 1-pm)
-Antioxidant (1-am, 1 pm)
-Digestive vitamin (1-pm)
-Calcium (1-am, 2-pm)

They are manufactured by a wellness company called Melaleuca.

I also drink Whey power Protein shakes...
i like to take my Proteins, and the creatines. Thats pretty much it for me. And once a year, i run a few other choice products
I had a pic of my stuff floating around here somewhere. I take-
creatine, a multivitamin, a multimineral, liquid cod liver oil, aloe juice, a liquid combination of glucosamine/chondroiton/MSM/vit C/hyalluronic acid, probiotic, wheat grass capsules, sprouted seed capsules that contain broccoli/cauliflower/kale/radish/cabbage/mustard, an antioxidant capsule that contains grape seed/blueberry seed/cranberry seed/black cumin seed/pomegranate seed/black raspberry seed/red raspberry seed, nucleotide complex, Tension RX (capsule that has barley/hops/GABA/etc), and sometimes protein powder. And lately I've been pulling out of my ECA stack stash.

I have a whole slew of other stuff in my cabinet if I start getting sick or want to go for a fun detox/cleanse.

so yeah...not a lot. :)