What do i look for in choosing WHEY Protein products?

which components and in how much amounts or ratio do i look for.. which do i avoid?

anyway, here's the story. im trying to build more muscle.. ive been at it for about a year and gained 20 lbs on food alone.. NOW, im still bout 5 lbs short of my goal, but i think im gonna puke if i still increase food intake.. so im considering whey..
just from what i hear, it sounds like you are needing more calories, not just whey. You might want to look into some calorie dence foods, maybe add some peanut butter or somethjing to our diet.

As for whey, lok for one thats high n a protien to gram ratio, make sur ethere isnt too many fillers. Needs to be low in sugar...
some cheap brands have various fillers in it. Simple way to see is by looking at the grams pre serving size, then compare it to the grams of protein per serving. If they are close,then there is little filler, if they are far apart then there is lots of filler.


Brand x: Serving size 1 scoop (31g)
Protein per serving 21g

Brand y: Serving size 1 scoop (31g)
Protein per serving 23g

Brand z: Serving size 1 scoop (31g)
Protein per serving 25g

Brand z would have the least amount of non protein filler in it.
Don't forget, post workout you should be spiking your insulin to shuttle all the protein into your muscles as fast as possible.

Here's a KILLER post workout mix:

Whey Protein Isolate: 0.5g x weight in lbs you WANT to be at
L-Glutamine: 10g
Maltodextrin: 0.5 x weight in lbs you're at now
400mg Magnesium

You'll be 5lbs heavier in NO time flat. You heavy, heavy bastard you. :)
Fit...that's a TON of protein for a shake. I understand that it's post workout, and your body wants to absorb as much as possible, but i find it hard to believe that (for example) my body (i'm 225) could effectively use 112g of protein...especially when I'm going to eat a pro/carb meal an hour and a half after that shake. Except for pro's, I've never heard of someone taking in over 70g of protein after a workout, or for any meal for that matter.
The fact that you have a weight goal is probably the first thing you need to stop. Your weight is always going to be a mixture of fat, muscle, water and mystery. You cannot control it, for any length of time, like you seem to want to. It is simply not a precise science (like weight lose can sometimes be)Instead, concentrate of measurements and appearance.
Which ever you choose, make sure the store has a return guarantee. There are enough protein brands that taste good that there's no reason to consume one that tastes horrid.
Fit...that's a TON of protein for a shake. I understand that it's post workout, and your body wants to absorb as much as possible, but i find it hard to believe that (for example) my body (i'm 225) could effectively use 112g of protein...especially when I'm going to eat a pro/carb meal an hour and a half after that shake. Except for pro's, I've never heard of someone taking in over 70g of protein after a workout, or for any meal for that matter.

Yup I know, it is. But he wants to pack on some weight right? That's what's needed. The regular ratio is 0.3 x lbs of body weight. I've found that after an intense workout though, shuttling protein with maltodextrin (insulin spike) is pretty damn effective.

Not to mention the magnesium helps you absorb the protein better. But experiment... if 0.5 is giving you good results, keep dropping your ratio to find the sweet spot where you get the same gains without taking in a lot of protein. (maybe 0.45, 0.4...) Everyone's different.
too much protien is cause of acidity