What did you get this year for xmas?

2 new button down shirts, scanner for my car, new digital camera, travel toiletries, new hodded zip down sweatshirt, a few DVDs

Scanner doesn't work though.

I got myself a few items at bestbuy yesterday. Rock Band 2, a new memory card for my camera (can you says 4000 pictures @ 10.1 MP...w00t!), and a camera case to hopefully prevent further disasters like with my last camera.
A HARD-ON for working out more now that I am re-charge from eating all day Christmas AND spending priceless time with the whole family laughing all day long.
Cordless drill/screwdriver, Timex Ironman watch, gift certificates for Mens Wearhouse (yes, that's how they spell it) and JC Penneys.

I waited until late the night after Christmas then went shopping for myself; 3 new belts since my old ones are now way too big, 3 pairs of shoes and 4 button down shirts and one polo type shirt. I haven't wanted to buy clothes for the last few years. But, now since I've lost weight it's fun again. Still 15 pounds or so to go but all that I bought should still fit then.

Ditto on spending time with the family. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
i too had a great time with my family this xmas! i got a new toy...a walther p22 nickel slide handgun....haha! i also got money, gift card, new wireless mouse and keyboard for my home computer, boots, and some small misc. stuff.
and yes i'm a chick who digs firearms...LOL!
Wii, shoes, wii games, shirt, sweat pants that had to be returned. I wanted this photoshop compatible program but my wife didnt know how to use paypal, but it works out because now there is a sale and its 50 dollars less.

I gave my wife sweater Uggz, Nutcracker tix, tanning certificate, and a waffle maker. :)
Garmin Forerunner 305, DeLorme gps (for work and play), some workout clothing and some Gator clothing.

Glad to hear you're buying smaller clothes Greg!
Sex Wax (for surfboards not sex)
Some new dust filters from my dad
New wheels for my longboard
Chocolates etc (they are long gone :D)
Williams and Sonoma (sp?) gift card, iTunes gift card, blue-ray player, blue-ray movies.

We also got a LOT of baby stuff.
1. 3 tubs of Whey Protein Powder

2. 2 bottles of Creatine Matrix

3. 2 pairs of weight lifting gloves.

4. A case of frozen Salmon steaks.

5. A case of lean Bison steaks

6. The "hand rings" only, from the Perfect Pull Up. To be used in a variety of ways within my station based training at the right time.

7. Vehicle Amp, and subs.

8. Clothes

9. Geforce (2X SLI) 9800 GTX.

Best regards,

Kickass leather jacket, gift cards, cash, couple vid games, shirt, a sweet decanter with my initials, bottle of bourbon, random stuff.
i too had a great time with my family this xmas! i got a new toy...a walther p22 nickel slide handgun....haha! i also got money, gift card, new wireless mouse and keyboard for my home computer, boots, and some small misc. stuff.
and yes i'm a chick who digs firearms...LOL!


My dad just traded his P22 for a taurus .40 cal - I miss the P22 as the trigger pull on the .40 is atrocious...

I got a North Face Fleece, sweater, button down, khakis, the iron gym pull up bar (surprisingly sturdy) and some money... overall a great Christmas as I like EVERYTHING and didn't have to return one item!