What Creatine and Protein should i buy?

hello again, I have been browsing the forum some more because i have been looking for some supplements to help me gain some more weight and muscle. I just started the gym a week ago and do the stuff but now i need to know what supplement i need to help me improve.

I have been reading about creatine and i want to start taking it but which brand should i buy? I would like to go buy it at a store because i only have $50 canadian in my paypal account and i don't think i will have enough.

I also want to get some protein powder/shake but i don't know which one to buy because there are so many out there and i don't want to go to the store and buy some random one that just gives me sugar instead of protein :D.

Any suggestions/reccomendations would help, or if there is a sticky that will help me on what brand or certain one to buy would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance
I'd like to know which brand is good too.. there are so many on the internet that I don't want to get ripped off.. but for some reason I can't get anyone to say which is a good brand.
If it is pure monohydrate it is fine. But it will not help you gain muscle and weight, if thats the reason you are buying it...
would this be any good?

Pure garbage IMO. Stick to basic whey. If you want to gain muscle and weight you need to eat a lot of real food this is jsut a ton of sugar and junk.

MUSCLE JUICE 2544 - Ultimate Nutrition Weight Gain Information:

Other Ingredients:protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Premium Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Egg White Albumen),
Maltodextrin, Crystalline Fructose, Cocoa, Medium Chain Triglycerides and Natural and Artificial Flavors.

# Serving Size: 4 Scoops (250g)
# Servings Per Container: 19
# Calories 1021
# Calories from Fat 153
# Total Fat 17g
# Saturated Fat 17g
# Cholesterol 77mg
# Sodium 108mg
# Total Carbs 162mg
# Dietary Fiber 0g
# Potassium 365mg
# Sugars 162g
# Protein 55g

Crystalline Fructose - Basically HFCS
I always suggest a reputable company ( I like EAS), , but their are a few out their, I also use champoin whey it is cheap and tasty and it is from a good company.

Creatine is a a product that will help you gain weight, and quickly, (but it is water weight) other than that it does nothing on its own it just helps the other stuff you take work better. Creatine is one the few supplements out their that truely does what it says it does..

I would suggest loading on a cheaper creatine (like weider or something) and see if youre stomach can take, it is hard on alot of peoples stomach.

But to answer youre question directly


Pre workout I would use NOXPLODE
Post Workout I would use EAS HP

Champion is cheap so is Weider and both are good companies
I buy most of my supplements at trueprotein.com ... all my protein comes from these guys. Awesome product! Nothing but high quality. And whats really cool is that you can custom design your own mixes to fit your tastes. I think thats great cause when you buy products from the big brands they fill it up with lots of other stuff you may not want. Why pay for it? You will pay less at TP and know what is going in your supplements. Plus you won't be paying the high mark up like you do for EAS, MusclTech, etc

Over the years I have also liked Natures best, Optimum Nutrition, Cytosport. But now its mostly TP.
EAS isn't that great a brand anymore.

NO2 products like NOXPLODE are a huge waste of cash because they do NOTHING beneficial for your training or muscle growth/repair.

I tried trueprotein but couldn't stand the flavor/taste. I like Nitrean from AtLargeNutrition.com because its got a great nutrition profile, and tastes like friggin candy (especially their strawberry as a PWO with added dextrose)
Optimum Nutrition is also quite good, but reasonably priced, especially if you can shop online. I like for 'general' supplement purchases (i.e. what I can't buy from AtLarge)
Try Kre-Akalyn from Sci Fit, you will get great absorption due to it'd low ph. I love Muscle milk, it taste great and and hia MCT oils to help the bodyfat to go down
If it won't help gain muscle then what will it help do ?

An energy boost you get is one of it's main benefits you get from Creatine - more energy is provided for your muscles. From a weight training perspective, more energy means that our muscles can work a bit harder - you can push yourself harder and longer in the gym.

The basic idea is that with the more short term energy ( 0 - 10 seconds ) that you get from using Creatine , all other things being equal, you should be able to workout much harder and with greater intensity. And as we've seen in many threads in this forum, intensity is what it's all about if you're serious about building muscle mass. A harder and more intense workout will lead to increases in muscle mass.

In a nuthell, Creatine may help you build muscle....but...most ' average ' gym rats don't need it IMO ( now this is just my personal opinion and nothing more mind you ). If it were me, I'd simply focus on getting enough natural sources of carbs and protein in your diet, drink plenty of water, opt for shorter / efficient but "intense" weight workouts with proper form, mix in some cardio ....and that's about all you need.

But, if you feel you have to have Creatine - go for it, it does work. One of the few supplements that does IMO.:)
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EAS isn't that great a brand anymore.

NO2 products like NOXPLODE are a huge waste of cash because they do NOTHING beneficial for your training or muscle growth/repair.

Well said !

Couldn't agree more - things like NOXPLODE are just a huge scam IMO.