What consititutes a Happy Marriage/Union/Partnership

Hi All,

Firstly I apologise for spelling constitutes wrong .....

A-N-Y-W-A-Y .......

I wanted to ask my fellow WLF members what they feel a happy, healthy, and pleasurable relationship consists of and some underlying rules/guidelines people can use to establish and encourage a loving a long term relationship in their lives.

So please, define in as many or as few words as you wish, what you feel are important factors/values we would all be better off knowing, showing and sharing.

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43 views and no input ...... sheesh !!
You guys are hard rocks to squeeze :angelsad2:


Alrighty .......

What do you deem valuable when considering personality traits of potential partners ? Would you sacrifice humor for patience, or knowledge for reliability?


Consider this :?:?:?
Is physical attraction an important element in partnership choice for you ?

Would you prefer a partner who is more outgoing to that of a more introverted person ?
Honestly, there are three reasons I didn't respond, although I think it's a good question:

1 - I think that what makes a successful marriage is very different for different people.

2 - I don't come to this forum to discuss those types of issues. And that's because ...

3 - Bringing up this type of issue on an Internet message board is simply ASKING for a flame war as various people type various things about marriage that might be offensive or hurtful to other people. (See point #1) I know people who have been married for 50 years and hate each other - but to the outside world they appear to be the perfect couple. Is that a "successful marriage"? I know people who love each other passionately but cannot be married to each other. I know people who have an open marriage and accept outside sexual experiences - they are all extremely happy but don't talk about it because of the judgment and condemnation of those who can't accept their version of a happy marriage. I know people who think that divorce for any reason is failure. I know people who believe that marriage is an artificial construct of a restrictive religious based patriarchy. I know people who have been married 6 times and think marriage is GREAT - serially. :) And while some of those people are the "live and let live" type, some of those people will be quick to tell you that their way is the only RIGHT way and everyone else is WRONG (doomed to HELL and living in SIN and EVIL).

So ... as I said. Not something I'm likely to be discussing here on this board - especially since my views are likely to be the ones that would DOOM ME TO HELL. :D
Aw man, i had a great answer but you retracted. But then again i probably couldnt say because there are kids on this board...