Sport What Can substitute Chicken for my weight gaining diet program?

Sport Fitness
To clarify more in detail, my diet is 4000calories daily (consisting of Myoplex, bananas, udo's, brown rice, spinach, eggs, wheat bread, lentils, some protein bar and other supplements) but I need to replace the only meat on the diet which is chicken. So is there something (other than what's already listed) that i can consume (being a new vegetarian) that is comparable to 12oz of chicken breast daily? The substitute needs it to be close to 420calories, 100(g) protein, 0 carbs, 12(g) fat. Any suggestions that meets this criteria?
Look for the fake meat products.
You're probably going to have to redo all your micronutrients and stuff if you're going to take out chicken, and meat all together.

I'm sure there's something out there that would fit that criteria, but I doubt any of us are that good to be able to just fit something into the missing piece. Sure, you might have like beans or something, but you might have to eat x amounts compared to the precise amounts of chicken you're trying to match out.

You might have success with fake meat or some sort of substitute, but you will probably be taking all the processing and ****tyness that comes with it. It looks like you eat clean and try to keep processed foods at a minimum, so you might take that into consideration.

Myoplex...isn't that a weight gainer, with carbs and fats along with protein? If so, just get a regular protein shake to make some fats and carbs free for whatever you choose to switch meat with.
Go to the store and to the vegetarian section. Look at the labels on those products. There a million and one flavored foods, so try some.
I don't know about meeting your specifications, but I weigh 193 and I think I could easily eat 193 grams of protein without meat with a 4000 calorie diet. I eat 3700 cals now, I only have meat for 2 meals per day (maybe 12-14 ounces per day) and I usually go well over 200
but that's without meat, eggs, etc.

oh wait, I see the poster is including eggs.

what is it about unborn chickens that's ok for a vegetarian?

Sorry, but I don't understand vegetarianism in the first place, and then when I see specific animal products used in a 'vegetarian' diet, it raises my ire because of the obvious paradox and hypocracy at play.

By your rules, you can't eat beef, but veal would be ok. Ergo I say subsitiute the chicken with veal since chicken is to beef as eggs are to veal.
Same as above. Go look in your grocery store. Somewhere, there's a freezer with veggie burgers, ground crumbles, sausage, chicken, hot dogs, you name it. Some are better than others, but there are tons of options.
Technically, eggs are not the equivalent of veal. Eating a little chick it the equivalent of eating veal. Most eggs from the store aren't even fertile. They are not living beings that need to be killed. They are just gobs of fat and protein encased in a shell made by a chicken. If the chicken didn't have a rooster around, the eggs can never become chicks, therefore, nothing is being killed.

Think of it this way. Chickens laying eggs are like women when they're ovulating. Both of their bodies release eggs in hopes that they will get fertilized. Yes, all of those eggs could potentially become a living being if they are fertilized, but when they are not, they just get flushed out of the body in the woman's case. They leave the chicken's body no matter what, so we eat them. You're not killing anything unless the egg is fertile.

I'm not a vegetarian, but I think this is why vegetarians say it's okay to eat eggs when it's not okay to eat meat.
I admit, I was stretching it, and probably shouldn't have even brought it up. I just honestly don't understand vegetarians. Vegans at least are completely 'anti animal product' ...I don't agree with it but at least its a consistent 'ethics' decision.
Vegetarians seem to think that eating animal meat is just somehow bad for your health. Nothing supports that...not the science of how our teeth are designed for omnivorous eating habits...our digestive systems handle it...the fact that plant proteins are incomplete proteins that WILL lead to degenerating health...

I mean, if you don't like to eat meat, fine, just say 'its icky'. don't start a whole movement against it because ya don't have the cajones to eat meat.
We're omnivores. We evolved to eat both meat and vegetables. Denying the body of meat is going against human nature. This is why I don't agree with vegetarians. No matter what we do, we as humans are going to kill other living beings. Plants are living beings too, and vegetarians kill lots of those. We cannot have life without killing something else. Someday, our bodies will become food for bacteria and worms. So far, the system works well. The system would collapse if we stoped eating anything that was living at one point. We would all starve.