Weight-Loss what can i eat that doesnt contain the main intolerances



New member
I have intolerances to chicken and something else..

I want to get on a diet so that i do not consume any of the main intolerances.

Dairy Intolerance (Dairy sensitivity)
Yeast Sensitivity
Gluten sensitivity
Fructose or Sugar sensitivity

What food can i consume 3 times a day that would be the same thing, and that would not contain these ingredients?
<<Dairy Intolerance (Dairy sensitivity)
Yeast Sensitivity
Gluten sensitivity
Fructose or Sugar sensitivity>>

I am willing to bet that you have a yeast problem (personal experience--going through it right now). Once you have gone on a yeast detox, your food sensitivties should go away. A yeast infection in your gut can cause other food sensitivies and a whole host of other problems.

Another thing I would add to the avoidance list is caffiene as caffiene can cause the liver to dump sugars into your blood stream, something yeast likes.

My best advice for you is to avoid the foods you're sensitive now and take a probiotic with at least 60 BILLION CFU's in it (can be found at a health food store).
Here's more foods to avoid (removed by moderation)
Brewers Yeast
Go light on tea, except green tea.
All sweeteners including sugar, honey, maple syrup, stevia, Equal, corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, Splenda, sucralose, etc.
Fruit juice
Dried fruit, mushrooms, peanuts (raisins are dried fruit).
Citric Acid (like lemon, lime or orange).
Vinegar and all vinegar products (mayo, mustard, salsa, dressings, etc).
All dairy including milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter. Eggs are not dairy.
Yeast in any form. Including most breads.
Soy sauce and all fermented products like sauerkraut, and pickles.
Processed meats that contain sodium nitrites. Eat only hormone free meats.
Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Use olive oil instead.
Spicy seasonings such as chili, cinnamon, pepper. Some herbs are ok including basil, thyme, oregano, and parsley.
No fruit in any form including fresh, canned, dried or frozen.

NOTE: the chiropractor had told me that goat products do not affect yeast the same way. She said goat milk and cheese are allowable on a yeast diet)
Here's some approved foods:
Vegetables - especially dark green leafy ones.
Beans of any variety.
Meat protein, including beef, poultry, fish and shellfish, and fresh (uncured) pork.
Whole grains, including rice, barley, millet, couscous, and buckwheat.
Whole grain oatmeal and pasta; corn, rice or spelt pasta.
Unprocessed seeds and nuts.
Vegetable oils which are unrefined (the kind that must be refrigerated).

After a month or two (longer if your yeast problem is stubborn), reintroduce gluten and the other foods. Leave out sugar, dairy, caffiene and yeast. The only time I consume sugary stuff is when I have a migraine and I drink a water mixture with raw honey to avoid vomiting.

The yeast diet is difficult at first, but it is so worth the effort. I feel 1000 percent better had followed the diet.

Good luck!


PS: Read food labels. You are going to be amazed by how many products contain wheat, sugar and yeast.
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Ground meat, browned with onions and or/other vegetables. Add in beans to make a chili.
Sweet potato, no butter.
Hard boiled eggs.

Lamb is supposed to be the least allergenic meat. Tuna is also supposed to be safe. ... In fact, here's a link that gives advice on what's good to eat and good to avoid when you're dealing with allergies...

I'm not entirely sure who Dr. Cranton is, but at lest his site didn't pop anything up trying to sell it to me...
(link removed) is a solution for infections against virus, parasites and germs.
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