What can I do?

I been working for about a month now and I have notice that my right arm is more develop than my left arm. What I mean is that you can tell the muscles on the right arm but not in the left one. Is it because I am rigth hand it? What can I do Im dont want to have a weak side. :(
Keep working. They will catch-up to each other. Do most of your arm exercises with dumbbells and make sure that you do even reps on each side (even if your right feels like doing more than the left).

Many people find that their "handed" arm starts out a bit stronger and sometimes even bigger. Many times it being stronger is only in your mind... In otherwords, because you are used to using it, your mind is more efficient at sending signals to use it. Also, sometimes you will find more endurance with these. But, like I said, it will even out with time and effort.

but I try to work more in with that arm but I don't see no difference is still looks weak even in the back muscles the right side looks and feels more develop.
It could take some time to even out. As much as 5 months wouldn't be out of the question. Just stick with it!
I think an important part of rip's advice is to use dumbells. If you're using weights on a bar or machine, your form may underdeveloped enough that you are actually overutilizing one side of your body.

Eventually this will even out, but with dumbells the results will be slightly more forthcoming since one arm cannot assist the other.
I also agree, dumbbells will help 'close teh gap' between the two arms, and you can do an extra rep with the 'weak' arm to really make sure you're overloading it.

I have the same issue, my left arm is smaller and weaker. Its at least got good definition which is further emphasized by the large tattoo on that arm (the color helps highlight peaks and valleys in the muscle shape). In fact, there are places you can get a six-pack tattoo'd or airbrushed onto your abs...basically just some shading to make them appear more defined.
Usually it's bc if you're right handed, the right side dominates more than the left in doing certain tasks (picking things up, carrying, etc.) Typically, in the dominant writing hand, the wrist is also thicker. For example, mine is 11 1/2 around and my left is 10 1/2, I believe (few yrs back). My left is underdeveloped, even though I work them out the exact same (even more for the left sometimes), but it takes time.
ACTUALLY im right handed and my left arm is much stronger than my right and a tiny bit bigger and very much more toned and formed, if they ever ask me, i flex my left not my right :D
lol.....well then i guess youre screwed jk