What can I do to make my butt smaller?


Let's get straight to the point...

I'm a 15 year old male who isn't exactly in the best shape, but I am on the borderline between Normal Weight and Overweight (About 24.9 BMI). The one thing that REALLY bothers me is that my but is bigger than the rest of my body and really is bothering me. I ride my bike daily for about an hour, but it does not seem to help.

Are there any exercises you guys can recommend that is not too hard but will make my but smaller? I read somewhere that if I bike using the heels of my feet, it might help.

*I also have one of those exercise balls, and a set of dumbbells, but I find the videos a bit too hard to follow, and most of the time I cannot even do it right.

Thanks for reading.
Unfortunately, really the only thing that will make any part of your body smaller is to lose weight. There are no such thing as "spot targeting" exercises or diets that make you lose from one part of your body before the other. You just have to lose weight all over.
*looks in expectation* O_O I want smaller butt tooooooooooooooo!! Give ..me?

but yeah only overall loss is possible and training your butt to give it a nicer shape! =)

I'd also be careful of the 'biking with the heels' - if you target your butt muscles enough that they grow, then the muscles underneath will get bigger and you'll still have all the fat on them. :eek:

On the other hand, depending on whether the size of your butt is due to fat or muscle you can do the following:

If it's mostly fat - lose fat. Read the stickies here to start looking at reducing your calories and upping your exercise/resistance training.

If it's mostly muscle - gain muscle elsewhere on your body to put things back in proportion.

And be glad you're 15 - your body will probably be much more gracious about making changes to it than in later years ;)