What are the Potential risks of the apparatus/equipment?

Can you expand on the question?

If a person is going gym and they use the equipment there, is there anything they should do before they start in terms of being being safe. also whats the potential risks of using the equipment.

Thank you.
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man what an open ended question...for PE class? jeez.

basically they should perform warm up sets with lighter weight to get hte muscles and joints ready to work hard.

potential risk is injury: torn muscles, ligaments, damaged joints, slipped discs in the spine...or simple injuries like muscle soreness, bruises, stretch marks.

this all sounds like stuff you should have been taught in the PE class. I know when we were taught about weights in high school, this was covered in class, and then we were quizzed on it.
thanks;) . we were taught it but i wasn't in class because i was viciosly stabbed in the back of my thigh. (sounds worse than it actually is:D )
What are the Potential risks of the apparatus/equipment?

Well in extreme cases their is potential risk of a mild case of death. However, trip, falls, compresions, bumps, bangs, sprains, dislocations and the others already mentions are much more common.

You could go in to some detail about the risk being directly linked to the knowledge and experiance of the user. If he/she is experienced then there is a very very low risk of ingury.
Well in extreme cases their is potential risk of a mild case of death.

LOL, if you can diagnose death in a mild state, is it possible to treat before becoming severe?

Im still a little confused by this question. Are you asking the risks of using "machines", as in nautilaus equipment, etc? or are you asking about free weights? Or just working out in general?
I'm not sure we'll have the exact answers your PE teacher is after. A lot of what we learned in my PE weight training class was crap information, with a huge emphasis on machines like hip sled, and to avoid squats at all cost.

that's terrible info...but if that's what your PE teacher wants for an answer, then the info I'd give you would be 'wrong' in your teachers' eyes.

your teacher should be able to give you the necessary information to complete the quiz/whatever your'e doin. if they won't, speak to the principal, as your teacher is refusing to provide you with the information you missed out on but requires you to test on it. that's probably illegal.