Several ideas
Many folks seeking to lose weight and improve their appearance set unobtainable goals which is a root cause to their troubles. I've always had an easy time with weight management - sorry, I'm the one who eats the donuts while you gain the weight.
There are millions of methods outlined in all the books and sites. Bottom line, eat less, eat better, drink H2O, walk, exercise, weights. Turn off the TV. Go do something. Anything (other than eat).
The best weight loss product is the one you'll take religiously while doing all the above. If you do a "fad" diet, make certain you find a broad spectrum nutrition supplement. Most fads are very unbalanced. We're doing a liquid that includes 178 ingredients in each serving - more than just about other supplement.
We're also taking a carb blocker when we eat carbs (and remember). Some are better than others. This one has the latest means of blocking.
We also take a metaolic enhancer when we remember. The company also offers (until 4/11) an ephedra product that people talk very highly about.
Good Luck and Good Losing!