What are some warmup exercises/stretches I can do before running?

My left leg has been sore for 2 months (strained hamstring), it's getting better, I saw a doctor and I'm doing some hamstring exercises so it'll heal quicker. Any other exercises I can do before I run to keep this from happening again?
Always target the muscles that you'll be using while you run. The reason for that is because many people do random stretching for random muscles and they end up skipping over the muscle that they will be using while they run.

I recommend lightly jogging a short distance before you run. Therefore, you'll be warming up the appropiate muscles. And then stretch afterwards for maximum flexibility.
My favorite stretch

I used to have problems with my hams and was introduced to this stretch and it works wonders for me. I'll do my best to describe it: Sit on the ground with one leg straight out and with the other leg make a triangle with the flat part of your foot basically up against the side of the other knee and the triangle's knee facing out. Then gently lean forward. It stretches your hams and back and works SO well.

I hope it makes sense!

Good luck with your running.