Sport what are good fattening snacks? (underweight)

Sport Fitness
pretty much all nuts and seeds, they are heatlhy and contains a lot of healthy fats.
When you say "Underweight", has a doctor declared you dangerously underweight? I seriously doubt that, so why do you want to "fatten up"? What is your bf%?

If you are like most "skinny" people, why not add a basic weights regime to your training program?
When you say "fattening" snacks what do you exactly mean? Just because a snack has a lot of fat in it, it doesn't mean it's going to make you gain weight. Gaining weight means your calories in is greater than the calories out. I recommend formulating a nutrition plan that involves a calories excess diet.
definitely peanut butter, what else?

You want ' calorie dense ' foods.

This article by Tom Venuto does a nice job of describing ' calorie density ' in terms of adding on weight......

From Venuto.....

" So, let's summarize your strategy for quickly and easily adding more calories to your diet:

1. Continue to eat the same healthy foods you always eat, but simply eat more of them.

2. Choose foods with a higher calorie density. You could eat broccoli and salad until your face hurts from chewing so much, but you still won't get enough calories.

3. Eat plenty of starchy carbohydrates including whole grains & cereals, pasta, potatoes, yams, beans, rice and oatmeal.

4. Don't be afraid of adding a little bit of fat. Keep your diet low in fat overall, but add in some of the healthy "good" fats (such as flax oil, olive oil, or a couple tablespoons of peanut butter) and you'll gain weight more quickly.

5. Just because you're trying to gain weight doesn't mean you have a license to eat anything you want. Go for nutritional value as well as calorie density; avoid saturated fats, sugar and processed junk foods.

6. If you can't seem to get enough calories from food, then a meal replacement or weight gainer supplement can make your life a lot easier. Adjust the serving size to fit your calorie needs and make sure the product has a good protein to carb ratio.

7. Don't be afraid to drink a lot of your calories in the form of low fat/skim milk, juice or supplements/shakes. "​
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you shouldn't try to 'fatten' up. gaining weight doesn't necessarily mean 'getting fat'. you should strive to gain muscle mass if you're underweight/scrawny. Otherwise you're still scrawny, with a pot belly (think Dale Gribble from King of the Hill).
Calorie dense foods that work for me:

Peanut butter(as you mentioned) brown rice, whole grain pasta, dried fruit (prunes, apricots etc.),Milk, Oats, sweet potatoes
Why does everyone get so technical. We know what he means, why criticize the way he said it.

because I'm not convinced yet that he really means "bulk up and add mass".

low post count and such, I always assume people are as ignorant as I used to be about nutrition, leaning out and bulking up.

for all I know he's eating jars of peanut butter and watching physical activity.
Then he would probably be on a television forum.

Its the same with the whole tone thing. When someone says "how can I get tone?" They get more responses of "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TONING!!" rather then advice. We know what they mean.
I know that. however they get yelled at more about their use of the word tone, then actual help. If they get help, they will eventually learn about "toning" from being a member on the site.
Well most people dont. For every actual answer they probably get 4 about how toning is low bodyfat.

And this guy said,"What are good fattening snacks? (UNDERWEIGHT)" Which clearly screams to me that he feels he is underweight and would like to put some weight on. Whether or not he wants to add muscle or just pounds is up to him.
can we get back on topic? one way or the other, the OP knows what we thinks he means by now and can clarify if necessary.