what are all your body fat percentages?

mine is 11%
mine is 10%, just as it should be as a sprinter- between 8 and 12%.
I'm quite lucky I did not know mine until about 3 months ago and found it was just as it should be.
To be honest I'm at least 20% right now, fairly lean except in my gut.

I need someone to crack a whip and keep my ass motivated.
23 year old male. 20% bf
I got it down to 18% when I first started training, but that's as low as it got. Now it's back to 20%
honeychild said:

what are your body fat percentages?
mines 7% but i dont know if thats good or not

If you're male you're bordering on what is not good for you. If you're female you are past the not good for you area and are into the DANGER ZONE. This means you're probably not even having a monthly period. The third choice is your measurements are off, which is hopefully the real problem. :D
i use a pair of accumeasure calipers. i know calipers have roughly a 2% margin of error but at least i have a rough idea.
The best convenient way to measure bodyfat is with skinfold calipers. Abear's right though that they are off a couple % points. They are still more accurate than Tanita scales or any other electrical impulse sent through the body. Back in exercise physiology, I had my bodyfat measured by bioelectrical impedance and a week later had it measured again and it was 5% lower and I KNOW my bodyfat didn't drop that much because that's not possible. And the hydrostatic method and calipers both said my bodyfat hadn't changed to any significant degree.