what am i doing wrong?

i'm pretty new at running(4 months). i started with the goal being to lose a few lbs and tone up my butt and backs of my thighs. i am 28yrs old, 5'1, 110lbs, and i started with a high 26%fat. i am very skinny on top(arms, 24inch waist), but i do carry my weight on the bottom. i was thin, but out of shape and very jiggly(eew!). i also changed my diet when i started running and now i keep my calories to 1200-1400 daily. i only eat clean foods(fruit, veggies, chicken, eggs, etc...) in the beginning, i started out as 113lbs, so i lost 3 lbs in the first two months, but i don't see much of a difference in the last two months on the scale or my appearance. i feel like i've come to a standstill and i really want to shape up my legs for summer. i recently increased my mileage from 2 miles, 3 times a week, to 3.5 miles, 3 times a week.i also try to ride my bike 1 or 2 times weekly for 4 miles. why am i not loosing any more weight? what do i have to do to get my thighs and butt in shape? am i eating enough? i do squats every now and then-should i do more? HELP ME!!!!
i'm pretty new at running(4 months). i started with the goal being to lose a few lbs and tone up my butt and backs of my thighs. i am 28yrs old, 5'1, 110lbs, and i started with a high 26%fat. i am very skinny on top(arms, 24inch waist), but i do carry my weight on the bottom. i was thin, but out of shape and very jiggly(eew!). i also changed my diet when i started running and now i keep my calories to 1200-1400 daily. i only eat clean foods(fruit, veggies, chicken, eggs, etc...) in the beginning, i started out as 113lbs, so i lost 3 lbs in the first two months, but i don't see much of a difference in the last two months on the scale or my appearance. i feel like i've come to a standstill and i really want to shape up my legs for summer. i recently increased my mileage from 2 miles, 3 times a week, to 3.5 miles, 3 times a week.i also try to ride my bike 1 or 2 times weekly for 4 miles. why am i not loosing any more weight? what do i have to do to get my thighs and butt in shape? am i eating enough? i do squats every now and then-should i do more? HELP ME!!!!

Most likely not eating enough
Most likely not eating enough

He hit the nail on the head possibly

When you are not getting enough Food your metabolism slows down to compensate and conserve it is a self defense mechanism of the body to be able to survive when it feels you are starving so the moral of the story is eat MORE

Ironic isn't it? having to eat more to loose weight lol

and as another said already do more resistance training and keep up the intensity
SQAUT, SQUAT, SQUAT, SQUAT alot....this is by far the best exercise for thighs and lunges wll really tone eveything....also squatting has been proven to be very anabolic i.e. you sweat alot, therefore lose more weight
thanx everyone. i guess i will squat and add some more healthy calories. this should be fun!!!