i'm pretty new at running(4 months). i started with the goal being to lose a few lbs and tone up my butt and backs of my thighs. i am 28yrs old, 5'1, 110lbs, and i started with a high 26%fat. i am very skinny on top(arms, 24inch waist), but i do carry my weight on the bottom. i was thin, but out of shape and very jiggly(eew!). i also changed my diet when i started running and now i keep my calories to 1200-1400 daily. i only eat clean foods(fruit, veggies, chicken, eggs, etc...) in the beginning, i started out as 113lbs, so i lost 3 lbs in the first two months, but i don't see much of a difference in the last two months on the scale or my appearance. i feel like i've come to a standstill and i really want to shape up my legs for summer. i recently increased my mileage from 2 miles, 3 times a week, to 3.5 miles, 3 times a week.i also try to ride my bike 1 or 2 times weekly for 4 miles. why am i not loosing any more weight? what do i have to do to get my thighs and butt in shape? am i eating enough? i do squats every now and then-should i do more? HELP ME!!!!