In June, I purchased my Bowflex home gym and all I can tell you, is that regardless of what you *see* at this point in the mirror, you ARE working out every core muscle group if you're doing the proper exercises. I do lats, squats, bench presses, crunches, trunk rotations, curls, delta rows, calve stretches and seated oblique crunches. I can tell you that it's taken about two months for me to see significant improvement physically. I'm able to lift more than I use to and though I though it was impossible, I can see all of me toning up. All I can tell you is to be patient. It's going to take a while for you to get the sexy, gym body that you want. I'd also recommed cardio if you do have extra adipose tissue to lose. I walk ALOT and I think it's the combination of this exercise along with my Bowflex that are helping me stay in shape.
My advice is to simply be patient. You cannot TOTALLY transform your body in only six weeks, regardless of what the informercial tells you. It's going to take longer than that ESPECIALLY if you've gone quite a few years on the obese side like I have.