what about yoga?

I talked to a mom a while ago and told me about some Yoga activities near her place. I am planning to be a part of it, do you think i can lose weight if I participate in some Yoga activites? I asked her where she got the info regarding the scheduled activities, she said that it's all in . I think i will be sorrounded by Canadian mommies.. so great!:)
ok, so basically all of your posts have links to sites.

hmmm.......calling all mods, calling all mods.
Yes, It's really good decision about the yoga. Yoga is the best and very good exercise to keep the body and mind healthy. When I needed a good guidance to do the yoga my friend suggested a site named yogasuppliesonline.com. They provided very good information about the yoga and its types and the instructions to do it. The below link will take you to the site page...