Wellness Center


New member
I'm going to be going away for five weeks to a university's program (that's basically going to get my college paid for! :D), & this university has a wellness center.

It has such equipment such as treadmill, stair stepper, semi-recumbent bike, rowing machine, elliptical, walking track, kick boxing, yoga, aerobics, and several strength machines as well.

I'd like to know what a good regimen would be to lose around ten pounds while I'm gone. Any help is much appreciated.

I've been trying to lose weight since school let out, & I've usually been walking at least a mile, usually two each day, and doing a forty minute Tae Bo video that I enjoy. Today was the first time in months that I've ran a whole mile without stopping :D ! I'm excited. I've also been trying to eat better and lower calorie foods, & I've been doing a pretty nice job on that.

In case you need to know, I'm seventeen years old, about 5'3" and I weigh between 140 and 150 lbs (we don't own a scale, so I'm not sure). If you need to know anything else, just ask.

Like I said, any help is appreciated. I'm just not sure where to start is all!
I don't mean to be a bother, but does anyone have anything to say?
I recommend doing whichever activity you like, whether it be running outside, treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine for however long you feel comfortable (half hour, 45 min, 15 min) but to do bursts of high intensity in there. So, go at your typical pace, then for 30 sec to 2 min, go as fast/hard as you can without causing yourself undue stress. If you feel like your chest is going to burst out of your body, obviously that's a bit too hard. But work at an intensity of 8 out of 10 for that 30 sec to two min compared to the probably 5-6/10 for the rest of the time.

I'd also recommend lifting free weights such as dumbells and doing calistenics so as to loose minimal muscle mass. Lunges, squats, chest press, shoulder press, push ups, sit ups, bent over rows.
there are two very good stickies right at the top of the section you started this thread in. One is on cardio, the other on weight training. Read them both and do some self-edumacatin'.

Most of us don't quite have time to write up an individualized program for each person that comes in and asks for one, unless you are willing to pay someone who is certified to do just that. Not that I am saying you were asking for this, but what I mean is that you will get the most help and response if you make the initial effort, do a little reading, get a general idea, and then ask more specific questions.

check out those two stickies, apply them to yourself, and then come on back and ask questions if there are things you dont understand.
Okay, I will. Thanks. :)