Well I am tired of this look!

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New member
I am 19 and 6 ft tall 240lbs. Im just sick of being like this.... I drink alotta watter. I started exercising. I exercise 2 times a week. I go running/walking for about 30 minutes and then do jump ropes & situp for another 30. So i do 1 hour exercise a day(2 times a week). I went to the doctor and he said that i need to lose about 60lbs because it is not healthy for me. Is there anymore things i need to do other than 2 times a week for 1 hour each time? I stopped drinking soda & fast food burgers. I do eat subway tho about 2 times a week while im @ work. I mostly drink water & cranberry juice. how long will it take kme to lose like 60lbs @ this rate..what can i do to get there faster? Thanks
Hi! Glad you found us! We will help you as much as we can!

I used to just eat whenever I was hungry, but I found I wasn't loosing weight as fast as I would have liked. Then I decided to have 1200 cals a day and wrote down the cals ( you can do it at home on paper, or post in a diary here) Then I dropped weight fairly fast (I avg. 3 pds a week).

Here is how I divide up my cals...


I never feel hungry. Maybe you should just eat like normal for a day or two and keep track of your cals, so you have an idea of how many you are actually getting??

Anyways, good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!
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