weights in backpack?? (15 year old)

Hi, I was reading a previous thread on weighted clothes like 20lb vests and I thought if I could put 2 15lb dumbbells into my backpack for school and like walk around with them during school and stuff...Smart or Stupid? I'm hoping that this will have a similar effect as weighted clothing.. or will it just make me tilt backwards and hurt my back.

I'm 15 years old
Height... 5'7 I think
Weight - 145-155lb

I can post additional info. if needed, any responses will be appreciated.
What are you trying to acomplish here, besides putting unneccesary stress on your joints? Backpacks are for books, not weights.
Would be useless. Weighted tops spread the weight over your body with the objective of strengthening you muscular endurance and also getting you used to a heavier weight so when you take it off your faster. Boxing for example. A backpack just pulls back and causes you back problems.