I have been running cross-country for two years now, and i am very active. I recently started weightlifting continously. One thing i would like to know is what i need to do to get a reasonable amount of muscle mass and be as cut as possible. This includes how many reps and sets i should do, and how i should move up in weight. And how often should i work different groups, like chest on monday, bis and tris on tuesday, shoulders and back on wed, etc... Or if i should do upper body on one day and lower on other, and rest on weekends. I know extensively on which excercises i should do, but which ones are the best for me. And lastly, should i work out my abs everyday? Please respond to this, i am in need of mentoring, i go to a school full of nerds who dont exercise. My coach, is a highly accredited coach, and has trained olympic runners from saudi arabia and other foreign nations, but thats all he knows is running.