weightgainer 900 questions

I purchased the Champion Nutrition Heavyweightgainer 900 for my 17 year old who needs to put on as much weight and as fast as possible, he will only be lifting 2 days per week, my questions are;

1] On the other 5 non-lifting days, "when" should he take the drinks?

2] I read somewhere that the human body can only make use of approx 25 grams of protein so any more would just be wasted, if this true then should I use just 1/2 serving of this powder since a full serving will offer 51 grams? Another issue is calories, I was told that he needs to consume around 3,000 calories per day besides his meals, is this true? If so, then he will need to take the "full" servings. what's the story here please?
mikehende said:
I purchased the Champion Nutrition Heavyweightgainer 900 for my 17 year old who needs to put on as much weight and as fast as possible, he will only be lifting 2 days per week, my questions are;

1] On the other 5 non-lifting days, "when" should he take the drinks?

2] I read somewhere that the human body can only make use of approx 25 grams of protein so any more would just be wasted, if this true then should I use just 1/2 serving of this powder since a full serving will offer 51 grams? Another issue is calories, I was told that he needs to consume around 3,000 calories per day besides his meals, is this true? If so, then he will need to take the "full" servings. what's the story here please?

1. Depending on his stats and how much he has to gain, the gainer is not as essential on the lifting days. But, if he is not able to get the 3,000 + in regular food he should be taking it. In my opinion, it would be best to take it immediately upon waking, a couple of hours after breakfast, or right before bed. If he is not eating some form of protein prior to bed (casein is best because it releases slower, for example dairy foods, cottage cheese, etc), this would help to fuel his body throughout the night.

2. 3,000 a day BESIDES meals seems a bit too high, however I don't know his height, weight, and how much he has to gain in how short of time.
How many calories is a full serving on the gainer? They range from around 500 to upwards of 2,000. Depending on the nutrition facts, he could realistically take half of a serving upon waking, or a couple of hours after breakfast, and then another half serving at night.

...It is pretty important to make sure, that on his lifting days, he takes the gainer soon after the workout, post workout nutrition is very important.

Also, hopefully you and he both already know that he should be eating clean and eating consistently throughout the day. Hope that helps
Oh, sorry I did not remember to post the details, he is 6' 155lbs and needs to put on as much as he can by August. The Gainer gives 930 Calories per serving and recommends that a full serving be taken 45 minutes before training, immediately after training and again 1 hour before bedtime, I am thinking of having him take half servings at all times?
mikehende said:
Oh, sorry I did not remember to post the details, he is 6' 155lbs and needs to put on as much as he can by August. The Gainer gives 930 Calories per serving and recommends that a full serving be taken 45 minutes before training, immediately after training and again 1 hour before bedtime, I am thinking of having him take half servings at all times?

Yeah I think half servings would be better, if he is eating well, and eating enough from regular food, he should be fine with the half servings post workout and before bed.

The pre workout serving will not have as much of an impact, of course regular energy from the carbs in the gainer, etc, but you can get that from a regular snack/food.