Weight Training??


New member
Is it better to weight train every other day or everyday? What does everyone do and what are your results(how long did it take to see results). Did you do high weights/low weights, high reps/low reps? Let me know what you all did. I'm a little confused on what I should be doing, there's so many different articles and opinions on ways to do it that I'm not sure which is best for me. I have really flabby arms that I want to lose weight from and tone so should I do high weights then to get the best results. Let me know what works?? TIA
You should give your muscles one day of rest between every weight training set. So rest every other day for whatever group you train. I do training with light weights (8 lb dumbells) and I am seeing results really quickly (after about 3 weeks). My arms, legs, and back are becoming more firm. . . I don't quite see any real definition because I have some fat to lose. I also want to say that on days you're doing both weights and cardio. . . you should perform a cardio warm-up prior to weights because it is essential in order to maximize the effectiveness of your workout. This warm-up should be about 10 minutes in length and not much longer because your energy sources necessary to power anaerobic exertion will be used up. Since you reap the most benefit from the last two or three reps, it is essential that you have the necessary energy to achieve those reps. That fuel simply won't be there if you do a hard cardio workout prior to your training
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I personally weight train 3 - 4 days per week, with at least a day off inbetween. I start off and concentrate with a particular muscle group on different days, but try to finish off with an overall workout towards the end. I train usually 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.

I try to vary exercises, always trying something new. Sometimes I break the 'every other day' rule and train three days consequitively - specialising only on different muscle groups.

On rest days I often cross country run with my dog 2 - 5 miles. I know that weight-lifting purists would complain that this saps alot of my muscle-growing energy, but what the heck, cardio is more important to long term health, and more to the point - I enjoy it!

What are my results? I don't think that I'm ever going to be He-Man, I'm 44 years old, and don't have a very big mass. But I certainly see and feel results on my back, chest etc. I'm slowly increasing weights too - thats a result that I can see. How long did it take? Probably a month or two, then I started to feel pecs! I also really enjoy doing it.

Hi reps/lo reps - maybe I'll try that in the future, but these days I usually go for 6-8 reps of whatever weight that I can manage up to that rate. Once I can reasonably easily lift a weight up to 7 reps or so, I step up the weight. I'm no expert, but I do notice that the experts rarely agree with eachother anyway. Read the various opinions, then do it as you enjoy doing it!
High weight/ less reps builds bulk. Lower weight/ more reps builds endurance and tones. Either way, form is the most important thing when lifting weights. As far as rest goes, definitely don't lift the same muscle two days in a row or it will adversely affect muscle growth. You should give yourself an amount of rest that depends on the method you use. One program in particular calls for you to work each muscle with maximum weight until the muscle fails, but you only do this once a week and every couple months, you take a week off. Find a program online that seems like it suits you and compare it to similar programs to see what kind of rest they require.