Weight training for runners

As awesome as it would be have superhuman strength, my goal is not really to be able to lift, squat, press, etc., insane amounts. My goals really are to run a half-marathon or even a marathon fast, run a mile fast, sprint fast, and jump high. I realize that weight training is valuable for many reasons, even for those who really aren't into getting huge. However, I also understand that too much muscle mass can work against someone who values running speed more than anything else; you don't see a lot of people built like linebackers running marathons. So, given my goals, what are good principles for me to follow in using weight training to my advantage rather than to my disadvantage? What specific weight training exercises would best aid my goals of sprint faster and jumping higher? Are there specific weight training exercises that will aid my distance running ability rather than hurt it?

(BTW, I asked this same question in the weight training section, but deleted that one and moved the question here since no one responded in the other section.)
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Subdude - Good question. I was a sprinter in college, so was obviously looking for a bit more power (regardless of muscle size) than you are. If you're condintioning you're muscles for endurance you want to keep the repetitions a little higher than if you're training for size or strength. You should determine your 1 rep. max of your exercises and load the bar/machine with 70% or less. Each exercise should be done between 12 nd 20 repetitions for 1 to 3 sets with only 20 to 30 second rests in between. This way you can quickly achieve a good training effect and condition your muscles for endurance.

In terms of which exercises; for running I'd focus on core exercise, especilly leg-lifts and full sit-ups which will activiate the hip flexors (essential in running). Squats, lunges and calf raises are all great exercises for running.

Thanks. Anyway, although I am not a sprinter, I would like to be as good a sprinter as possible while still being a decent distance runner. So, I am looking for strength. I think it's fair to say though that my legs right now are pretty well toned for long distance running. I have pretty large calves that seem to be almost all slow-twitch muscle. My upper legs aren't as built. They probably are in better shape than most people my age, but not the average person who is "in shape."

In any case, like many people, I'd love to have my cake and eat it too. (I'm only speaking figuratively, of course. Cake is something I've mostly given up.) I'd love to be awesome at both distance and sprinting, as much as that is possible. I'd love to be like the quarterback I once created on a football video game, who was 7' tall, 300 pounds, with 100% speed and 100% endurance. Unfortunately, create-a-player doesn't really work in real life. (And I'm not just referring to height. Besides, I like my height.) But anyway, my goal is definitely to be a better sprinter. In fact, I think I care more about improving my sprints than my distance runs. I still want to be able to finish a marathon, or at least continue to do halfs, but finishing a half in X hours and XX minutes isn't as important to me as outrunning opponents while playing ultimate (frisbee). After all, you can't really lose a half-marathon like you can an ultimate game.
hit the core hard that helps me alot, I'm a distance runner but that seems like what your trying to get into. Normally if your doing cardio with proper diet you dont have to worry about building a lot cuz youll burn it off but the only thing that kind of slowed me down when I was competing was lower body workouts especially squats (i know surprising) lunges where good though especiall with weight, to get my lower body in i just did mostly stair stepper or elliptical on high resistance, I never had any problems with arms, maybe shoulders alittle bit now that im trying to build some but still not that much of an issue i still run 8 miles in 45 min w/o a problem and i only run 2 days a week now.