Weight Training and Diet Advice Needed...


New member

I posted this thread before in another section and have not received any feedback. I am hoping to have better luck here. :biggrinjester:

I am new to this forum and really excited about losing weight. Actually, today is my first day on my weight loss plan.... I suppose. Ha! I am 27 years old and I weigh 180lbs and I am a little under 5'9 tall. Until about 3 years ago,I have always been tall and slim - the heaviest that I have ever gotten was 140. So, at 180 I really feel uncomfortable. Not depressed uncomfortable. Just uncomfortable enough to be motivated and BEYOND ready to lose this weight!

My goal weight is 130lbs. I would like to get to at least 150lbs around June. I have started going to turbo kick boxing and spinning classes 4 times a week. On the days that I do not go to classes, I work out on the eliptical machine for about 45 minutes. I enjoy working out. My eating is where I get in trouble. I absolutely love sweets and mexican food! Lol.

I am currently creating a plan that I think will work best for me. I have heard mixed reviews about weight training. Becasue I want to lose a lot of weight I was not sure if i should just start off by doing only cardio and once I get about 20 lbs from my goal then begin to weight train or if I should implement a weight training regimine now. I have read about weight training speeding up metabolism. I have also read that is not true. What to believe????

Also, does anyone have any diet plans that they can share with me....as far as eating plans. I kind of want something a little strict. I tend to stick with programs that are a little strict better than ones that allow you to "cheat" reguarly.


There is no reason to wait to do weight training...and many reasons to start now. Go for it!
I guess Iam afraid of bulking up. Also, Ireally do not know what to do. Any suggestions? My main prblem areas are my arms and stomach.

Also, I need to create a really good diet plan. And ideas?

PLEASE share your thoughts.
Steve - thank you for providing this information. It was helpful. However, I do have a question. In concept three you mentioned that women who are larger (like myself) should consider doing circuit training opposed to traditional weight lifiting. Out of curiousity could what I am currently doing be cosidered circuit training? I currently take spinning, turbo kick boxing classes (with a punching bag) and use the eliptical machine which feels as though I am working my legs, biceps and triceps while I am on it.

If you suggest that I should still do free weights, I will use the advice from the second link that you provided.

Also, do you have an suggestions on a low cal diet plan?

Thank you so much for your help. I hate to be a pest....
You're not carrying a terrible amount of fat. Sure, to you it feels it, but mind you... I work with people who have hundreds of pounds of excess fat.

If I were you I'd put together a resistance training program that extends beyond your cardio exercise you listed above.

A low calorie diet?

I'm not a fan.

I'm a fan of tailoring a diet to the individual and his or her circumstances.

To speak very generally... you could start at 10 calories per pound of body weight to figure out your intake.

Of those calories, 520 or so should come from protein, 540 of them should come from fats, and the rest can come from carbs.

This is just a baseline that you can work with.
Thank you Steve. Do you have any thoughts on the burn the fat feed the muscle program? I have been hearing a lot about it....
It's a good book. Tom is a friend of mine... the guy who wrote it and it's something I've recommended to people before for the simple fact that a) Tom knows what he's talking about and b) he's managed to cram a ton of information into a format that makes it easily understood.

It is magic?


It's simply a book that discusses the basics, much like the stickies here and on my forum do.

He also came out with a new hard cover book a few months ago that is good too. It deals more with the psychology of it all.
Sure thing... if you have further questions you know where to find me.