Weight more than before...


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm totally stressed! I hope some of you can give me some answers...

I usually weight about 60 kilos (sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more).
I train EVERYDAY. I'm advanced in yoga (ashtanga and dynamic), going to classes 4times a week for 1.45 min.

When I don't go to yoga I do a class of Total Body Conditioning (sort of aerobics) that I started a month ago.

I'm eating little and healthy... But it's been a few weeks i weight 61.5 kg to 62 kg. I'm training everyday. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can everyday! And I just can't lose this 2kg!!! What is wrong with me? Could it be muscles? Apparently, muscle weights more than fat? I'm desperate!!!
Deep breaths - use some of that yoga training and calm down...

Why are you so desperate?

Whathave your measurements done?

How m any calories a day are you consuming? What are you eating a day - eating little is not a good answer nor is it good f or your body -- are you doing ultra low calorie? Or are you eating reasonably...
I calm down and I breath in. :)

I'm 30 and I'm 1.66m. I"m usually 60kg...sometimes 59, sometimes 60.5....I'm happy at 59. Very. My measurements? Well, I never took them. But I haven't gone fat in my clothes. They feel good.

I eat: porridge or oats in the morning/lunch with skimmed milk.

Banana around 4pm or cereal bar.

Meat or fish (chicken, prawns, white fish) at night with salad and lemon.

And when I want chocolate (I want it almost everyday) I have a bit of dark chocolate.

Seriously, other people would lose weight with what I'm eating! I never have big meals and I feel stuffed quite easily.

I'm not making myself starve...I wish I could :D hehehe

I'm eating normally but in small portions.
What you need to do is go to and punch in everything you put in your mouth for a few days to see how many calories you're really getting. You need to keep track of the calories you're drinking and things you happen to nibble on through the day as well, not just your meals. However, if you're concerned over a mere kilo of weight, you're dramatically overreacting.
Must convert- have no desire to understand metric.. at 5'4ish and 130lbs ish... you're in a fairly healthy weight range...

Recording your calories for a few days and measuring everything you put in your mouth to give you an idea of actual portion sizes will really give you an idea of where you are calories wise..

I'd also take measurements - and focus less on the scale - at your weight -you don't have a lot to lose - and the scale will fluctuate.. .Do look for the thread in the On Topic forum called The Scale mentality and read it 3 times...
EAT MORE!!! If you are doing all sorts of training and not eating enough your body is probably going into starvation mode. It is most likely way too much stress for your body to handle and it is beginning to function as though it is running out of resources. Eat more fruits, veggies, and lean meat as snacks. Also you may want to try myfitnesspal.com It is similar to FitDay.
Thank you for all your advice! I'll check what you all told me to check, and hopefully I"ll feel better soon! Keep you posted!
Maybe its your muslce!

I think you should be focused on inches versus looking at your wieght in the scale. Maybe you have gained muscle. I wouldnt suggest you starve yourself because that will only make you loose the muscle you already have and in turn is gonna make your metabolism slower.

Let me know if you need help, I went on this wieght - inch loss plan that really helped me out and really didnt have to starve myself. I really like it! email me jdlossantos@hotmail.com
I think you are doing wrong exercise or take breakfast after exercise.You should take the breakfast approximately after 2 or 3 hours. I give you some exercises that are very beneficial exercises to reduce the fat. That are Exercise ball crunch,Long Arm crunch,Ab rocker etc. I have also a link. Through this link you can take help to reduce the weight.That link is . This is beneficial link.