

I am sixteen and hoping to lose weight.
I myself, believe I am over weight. I've got a tubby belly which pokes out.
Now, I am on an apprenteship in a motor vehicle course, and every morning (Mon-Fri) I have a little tray which includes: One egg, One piece of toast with butter, One Sausage, Beans, One Hash Brown, One Black Budding, One slice of bacon.
(I know this isn't healthy)
I have that around 10-11AM and I don't eat all day until around 7-8.
Sometimes, at that time, I have a meal (e.g. tonight I had burger in a bun, beans, potato wedges) and sometimes I have something like a baguette, packet of crisps.

Just before I go to bed, I do these:
35 heal raises (I think they're called that)
35 situps
35 swings (Where you swing your body)
35 going on to knees and pushing back up with just knees

Is this a good way to lose weight?
I need advice.

EDIT: A few more notes:
I'm on my PC in the nights when I get home from work
I don't have access to a gym
I don't have a weighing scale to weigh myself.
I am pretty short
It's great that you're looking to get in better shape! Eating better is a good way to start; but you should also be eating more throughout the day. It's not good for your body and metabolism to go so long in between meals. Try eating 3 meals a day, and having small healthy snacks in between meals. As far as exercise is concerned, you are off to a good start. Body-weight exercises are a great simple way to work your entire body. Try mixing things up a bit though. You will have better results if you mix up the exercises you are doing rather than doing the same ones every day. Add some new body-weight exercises to your routine, and alternate them on a daily basis. Another tip, if you perform each round of exercises quickly (one right after another) you will not only be strength training, but you'll be performing cardio as well. Getting your heart rate up with cardio is a great way to burn calories and get rid of excess fat.

I hope this helps! These are all easy steps you can take that will help you lose weight without the need for a gym or any special equipment.

Good Luck!
Gorilla Workout
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It's great that you're looking to get in better shape! Eating better is a good way to start; but you should also be eating more throughout the day. It's not good for your body and metabolism to go so long in between meals. Try eating 3 meals a day, and having small healthy snacks in between meals. As far as exercise is concerned, you are off to a good start. Body-weight exercises are a great simple way to work your entire body. Try mixing things up a bit though. You will have better results if you mix up the exercises you are doing rather than doing the same ones every day. Add some new body-weight exercises to your routine, and alternate them on a daily basis. Another tip, if you perform each round of exercises quickly (one right after another) you will not only be strength training, but you'll be performing cardio as well. Getting your heart rate up with cardio is a great way to burn calories and get rid of excess fat.

I hope this helps! These are all easy steps you can take that will help you lose weight without the need for a gym or any special equipment.

Good Luck!
Gorilla Workout

Thanks for your great reply.
What would you recommend I eat? Is the breakfast I have good? I mean, isn't breakfast meant to be the best meal of the day?
I don't like eating as much, because I'm worried I will put the weight back on. I don't have weighing scales in my house so I don't know if I'm putting it on or losing it.
What do you mean by mixing things up and "Add some new body-weight exercises to your routine".
And yes, I do try to get through them as quickly as possible. Towards the end of most of them, I feel my muscles starting to strain, that's good though, isn't it?
Breakfast is definitely important. I would try to make your breakfast a little more rich with protein. The egg is good for that. Try swapping out the butter on your toast for a little peanut butter instead. Beans can also be a good source of protein, so that may not be too bad, but try to skip the bacon. Swap it out for some fruit, or cottage cheese which is also high in protein. The protein will help you feel full longer, and fuel up for your workout.
As far as adding more workouts goes, you need to do this because your body gets used to doing the same workouts every day and it eventually won't do anything anymore. Plus, you are always working the exact same muscles in the same way for the same amount of time every day. To get the full benefit of working out, you need to work all the muscles in your body, and in different ways. The best way to really strengthen your muscles is to confuse them. So try adding in some new exercises or swapping out exercises for new ones each day. We have a list of over 40 bodyweight exercises on our website that can be done at home without any special equipment. If you check out Gorilla Workout, you can find some new exercises to throw into your routine each night. Just remember to not do the exact same thing every day! When you start doing new exercises, you will feel a new kind of soreness, because you will be working new muscles.
Good Luck!!

Oh, and don't worry about not having a scale. You don't need a scale to see the results in a mirror, or to tell you how much better you are feeling about yourself with all the hard work you are putting in.
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Gorilla Workout is right about the meals/snacks and switching up your exercises. try doing different muscles on different days. (example: arms and shoulders on Mondays. legs on Tuesdays, etc.) and every few weeks, do completely different exercises. or add more weight? as Gorilla said, you need to keep your body guessing. or else it will get used to the exercises and you'll plateau eventually. and diet is about 70% of what will affect your weight loss. keep it healthy!
We must use the liquid food to loss the weight and in breakfast always prefer the use of the liquid foods as we can use the fresh juices as breakfast.
We must use the liquid food to loss the weight and in breakfast always prefer the use of the liquid foods as we can use the fresh juices as breakfast.
You're saying you need to be on a liquid diet to lose weight...? That's questionable.