Weight loss without surgery?


New member

I'm Nadine, i'm 37 and I need to lose a looot of weight. My height is 168cm, I was always thin until 2009. My weight in 2009 was 47 kg, which it was for most of my 20s. I got pregnant, went up to 88 Kg then back down to 69 Kg after my daughter was born.
My mother passed away and i ate my sadness away. Now I'm 110 Kg and I need to lose weight, I don't recognize myself in the mirror. i've tried many diets and failed, never stuck to any of them. Everyone around me is telling me to get the sleeve weight loss surgery but i'm terrified. My cousin had a weight loss surgery 9 years ago and passed away at the hospital so it scares me.
So my question is, has anyone lost 50 Kg without surgery? can it be done? Even my husband now doesn't believe i can do it on my own, and he's been supportive all this time, but I guess he just gave up.
Thank you for reading! :)
I lost 76 Kg (168 pounds) a decade ago on this forum without any form of surgery.

It can be done.

Do things a step at a time...

Think of one or two things that you can do today to give you back control.

I strongly advise you to try to drink 2 litres of water a day...

If you can - also get into the habit of going out for a walk. I think that a pedometer helps to challenge me to be more active.

I suggest that you check out the challenges and clubs - they may give you ideas of things to work on and help you to keep motivated into doing them...

Also start a diary and log your progress... Visit other people's diaries to see what they are doing and cheer them on - with luck some people will visit you and cheer you on too...

Good luck with your project.
Hi Nadine,
Often, for various reasons, people ask themselves the question "how can I lose weight in a month?" It must be understood that a proper diet is necessary to achieving this goal. A proper diet should be based around eating lean proteins, vegetables, legumes, some whole grains, some fruits, a little healthy fat and a generous amount of water. All refined sugar and fried foods should be completely avoided, as well as fast food and sugary snack foods.:)

How to diet to lose 110lbs in 365 Days

In order for you to lose one pound, you need to burn 3,500 calories. So lets you want to lose 110 pounds in 365 days, you would have to lose 0.137 pounds a day in order to lose those 110 pounds in 365 days. So, that means you would need to burn 480 calories each day. :)
When broken down like that, it doesn't seem like a huge number and makes me think it can be done :):)
Don't set yourself a time limit like 365 days though... That is setting yourself up for disappointment...

Thing is that setting yourself up to be some sort of paragon of virtue from day 1 doesn't work very well in practice...

Its a big step to go from bad eating to perfect eating... Its best built up as lots of little habit changes...
I lost around 40kg 3 years ago, the main kickstarter was giving up booze and drinking soda water on nights out as well. I can't tell you the amount of comments I had made at me in pubs for that (from bar staff, friends, AND members of the public), but I'd always reply with "if you need that (refering to their drink) to have a good time, then clearly you're not having a good time or you're with the wrong people".

Now that's just me, and I understand that it's much easier for younger people, like myself, to lose weight although the way I lost weight was so unhealthy at times that I truly believe I've messed my body up (hopefully not for life!).

Anyway my advice is to set yourself small goals. When I first joined a weight loss program my intention was to lose maybe a stone or two, just so I didn't look so bloody gross! I had no intention whatsoever of losing 7 fold that and attracting the attention of the media. I'm currently 15stone 10lbs, so my first goal is 15stone 5lbs. I wont dare look towards the promised land that I once reached of 12stone 7lbs, because I'm scared of heights and I'll most likely fall (clever metaphor there? I thought so :') ).

Best of luck and hopefully I'll see you around!

Edit: And yeah also, like Omega said, DO NOT set time limits. Set small weight goals. Obviously my main goal is the 12stone range, but until I'm 13stone again, I'm not even going to think about it.
Nadine, it's very much possible to lose 50kg if you set your mind to it. You see, losing weight actually begins from your mind. There are a variety of weight loss techniques to lose weight effectively. I just think you need a little hand holding. Someone that can push you beyond your limit. I can't possibly tell you all here but there is a way to do it and then include some detox drinks, and lifestyle adjustments to some targeted exercise. A lot of people apply exercise wrongly. It will actually be a gradual process but you can hasten it up. For starters, try replacing your beverages with homemade detox drinks. I'm new here so don't know if links are allowed here. What you need is the right hand-holding resources and not all the gibberish all over that internet. I actually used to think it was impossible until when I was in the same situation and then I got through it. From 50 to 70 to 90 to 120 to 80- 60 - 57. I am okay with my size now.
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I'm new here so don't know if links are allowed here.

Such links are not allowed and the mods ruthlessly apply the rules - deleting accounts of people that come here to sell their wares.

Our people do not need to spend money - and there are too many people wanting to prey on vulnerable people.
I did not need any form of detox drinks when I lost 76Kg and am not convinced that they would have helped me at all.

Healthy food and exercise is all that is needed. Information freely available in this forum.
No supplements, special diet sheets, pills, potions or magic words.