Weight loss with treadmill


New member
Hi guys,

My second post! Yay! I'm curious about something... I have a treadmill and was wondering the best way to burn fat with it is. I know interval training burns the most fat, and the science behind it makes sense. But would Incline intervals be just as good as speed intervals? For example... if I was walking 3mph and alternating between a 0,3, and 5 incline every 2 minutes? Or is alternating the speeds better?

I figure there's a reason why they say incline burns fat more than speed does... so doing incline intervals would burn.. double fat? lol! Just kidding... but still, any thoughts would be great! Thanks!
I think if that's the way you want to go about your intervals go ahead! The important thing is you enjoy doing it.

But seriously, I think the intervals with the incline would be great. I was a in cross country my Junior year in high school and we would do hill workouts where we would just sprint up and down hills over and over again. It was killer, but it was a fantastic workout.
Heres what I do, and its been working like a charm! I do 60 minutes of treadmill only every day with no off days! You must eat right too. Not everything you think is healthy or good for you is. Not all fruits and vegetables are good for weight loss either. You have to know how to eat!

I start off at 3.5% incline and at 2.5mph for the first minute of my workout. The second minute, I increase my speed to 3.0mph and leave my incline at 3.5mph. Then the third minute, I increase the speed to 3.5mph, and leave the incline at 3.5%. Starting on the fourth minute, I raise the incline up to 8% for 2 minutes, then down to 6% for 2 minutes, then down to 4% for 2 minutes. I never go below 4% except for warm-up, and cool down. My maximum incline for 2 minutes is 12% and my slowest speed is 3.5mph except for warm-up and cool down. I usually keep my inclines going up and down. Sometimes I go up, up, then down. Or, up, down, up, down. The key is to go extreme, then way down for a rest. You dont have to go all the way up, then all the way down constantly. I change mine up everytime just so I dont plateau and my body doesnt get used to my workouts...that would be a very bad thing! If you need me to write out a complete interval, I will. If you dont know what to do, it can be hard to get started. You have to push yourself and know how to use the incline to your advantage.
Interval training is so effective because it gets your heart rate very high very quickly. If you want to find out how good your incline interval training is, take your heart rate throughout the work it and compare it to your heart rate on your speed interval training.
Intrevil training is definately the best way of burning fat.
As long as ur heartrate is going from low intensity to high intensity then ur are doing intervil training.

if u wish to do this via incline or sprints its ur choice, the best method is the one tht u find least boring, this way u will train longer and more often, burning more fat and calories
