I agree mostly with what 'aldousbailey' is saying with their recommendations.
I wouldn't focus on low fat diets as from experience observing people on low fat diets there are usually worn out and can't sustain it for long - when you consider the brain is 2/3 fat its not hard to see why cutting out fat to its minimal is not a brilliant idea.
Depending on how much you perceive you need to lose, id also look at what your current thinking is around your attitude to food, your attitude towards your ability to lose weight and your willingness to do what needs to happen in order to lose weight. Common things I see as both a personal trainer and hypnotherapist is;
- see food as a reward or a treat
- seeing food as a method of boredom elimination and mood enhancement
- beginning to negotiate with the food plan their on ("well if I have this, I wont eat anything this evening")
- inconsistency throughout the month (not doing anything for 5 days and then exercising 4 days straight then feeling knackered and repeating the process)
- Not willing to look at time management in order to fit in what needs to be done to lose weight.
Yes, weight loss is simple, but its not easy, yet who said you only always need to go for the easy stuff.
Hope this helps