Weight Loss Supplements

I am 6ft (183cm) in height and currently weigh just over 16stone (224lbs), which I understand makes me clinically obese. I was a bit surprised when I discovered that, as I don't really fit the sterotypical appearance of an obese individual.

I am broad, and used to be somewhat muscular before losing my way with drink and general poor lifestyle, which I think may have something to do with the high BMI - I am not immensely fat by any stretch of the imagination.

I am definately overweight though, and I have decided to take some evasive action in getting myself back down the gym and eating more properly - and sacking the drink for good.

I would like to do everything I possibly can to lose weight, and I was wondering if there were any effective weight loss supplements available that would aid my quest. Are there any that are actually proven to work, or are they all just 'fads'?

I'd really appeciate the advice of anyone who might be able to help.


Nice advertisement setup.
LeiYunFat said:
Nice advertisement setup.

Just to clarify, this was no 'setup' on my behalf. drw0867 has posted a blatant advertisement, but I would genuinely be interested in unbiased opinions from someone who might know bit about this sort of thing.

Thanks. :)
It's just another diet shake, you could make your own with whey protein and metamucil, and you wouldnt have the 18g of sugar it has
Hmmm, it seemed to me like drw was setting up these puppet posters in order to advertise his stuff...

Not sure if it's true or not...

If not, jonnya, you can't really rush these things. The best way, really, is to eat clean and exercise smart. You might look into caffine tablets or something of this nature to help your workout, but you'll have to research that for yourself. I think there is a thread here on caffine, you could check that out.